11 | Waste It On Me

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"Is she alive?"


"So... Can we draw on her face now?"


"Aww, come on! It's not even sharpie!"

"I get first dibs!"

"Why you? I thought of it first!"

"Someone should probably turn her on her side, though, right?"

"I'm scared that if I move her, she'll puke all over me."

"Why are you so scared of puke when we see it in the venue bathrooms basically every night?"


"You're gross."

"And out of the two of you obnoxious fools, I still can't believe one of you is actually my boss."

"Hey! Take that back!"


"I'll hold your hand."

"...Fine. I kind of take it back, or whatever..."


Everything seemed muddled and so far away from her, as if she were having an out of body experience. She didn't even think she was remotely near being awake but could feel the way her brain pounded against her skull.

A headache.

A splitting one at that.

The yelling she could hear far off in the distance rang in her ears and was of no help at all, but it all quickly faded into nothingness.

The only thing amongst the dark now was a mist of slowly moving glittering gold.


Haru felt the headache she had noticed earlier increase tenfold, waking her up from her deep slumber.

She opened her eyes and could feel the awful cold sweat on her forehead, her neck, and quite frankly everywhere else. Those were things she could handle. Things that didn't bother her so much. Not nearly as much as the horrific nausea.

God, anything but that.

At the feeling of bile in her throat, Haru ran to the bathroom down the hall in Jungkook's office.

She blew chunks for what felt like hours and unlike most people who didn't care for hygiene when they were hungover, she refused to hug the toilet for the slightest bit of comfort. The floor was an even bigger negative. All of it just made her skin crawl.

Everything just felt so sticky and dreadful.

As she sat there in momentary calm, something seemed to click in Haru's throbbing brain.

She was still at D&W.

She was at D&W and hungover.

What time was it? What had happened? Hadn't she been working?

Last she remembered, she was wiping the venue door down and...

Oh god.

"Wonho!" She gasped, just before the bile rose in her throat once again.


It was six am and he still couldn't sleep. Wonho was starting to think he should just give up. It wasn't the fact that he wasn't tired, because he was beyond exhausted, but that his brain wouldn't shut off.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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