10 | Back Door Pt. II

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"What are we doing here?" Haru asked apprehensively. Her brain registered how cold her hands were, as if it was something she wasn't already used to. Annoyed, she retreated them into the front pockets of her black jeans and continued to stare at the aqua neon sign that read 'Undivided Tattoo's and Piercings.' The sun had just set, the aqua striking against the night.

"Are you scared?" Wonho side eyed her with a smug smile.

She shook her head. It wasn't that she feared the place.

Not at all.

She just didn't care for needles.

Even though she had a few ear piercings and a tattoo herself, she didn't like being in their presence if she didn't have to be.

"Are you getting something done?" She questioned just as he moved toward the front door and opened it up, waiting for her to enter first.

It seemed that her answer would have to wait.

Haru exhaled in resignation and walked in, mumbling a thank you to Wonho in passing.

The small shop itself was surprisingly cozy with a minimalistic set up. Peculiar aqua accents and paintings set off the stark white interior. Haru stood in front of a vague painting of eleven people, all smiling and tilting their head in the same direction. The faces were blurred, but it still radiated something she couldn’t quite figure out.

Was it love? Admiration? A familiar comradery?

A sudden noise came from a room at the back of the tiny shop.

“Geez, I thought you weren’t gunna make it today either, you punk.”

A guy slightly taller than Wonho came out from the shadows, with pink hair half hidden by a black beanie. He beamed an adorable smile, nodding at Haru in recognition before turning back to Wonho. His aura was warm and bright, leaving Haru feeling a bit more at ease.

“Why are people like this with me today? I’m older than you and you’re calling me a punk!” Wonho radiantly smiled back, playfully shoving his shoulder. Haru quietly moved up to the counter and sidled up next to Wonho. Other than him and the shop guy being friends, she still didn’t quite understand what they were doing here. Was he here just to visit his friend?

“Take good care of yourself then! I called Kihyun when you didn’t show or pick up your phone and he told me everything. Even I was worried a little!” Wonho’s smile faltered the tiniest bit in shyness and all Haru could do was stare at him in wonder.

He was loved. So heavily and adoringly loved by everyone around him, and it made her happy. Haru just knew someone like Wonho deserved all the love in the world.

“And who’s this lovely lady?”

Haru froze up at the sudden question, not knowing whether to introduce herself or not, but before her brain could make a decision Wonho thankfully spoke up.

“Ah, this is Haru! Haru, I’d like you to meet a good friend of mine, Daniel.” Wonho introduced her so enthusiastically, as if he was proud. It made her feel the slightest bit of embarrassment as Daniel stuck out his hand and beamed at her again. “Nice to meet you, Haru!”

Daniel’s hand was heavily tattooed along with the rest of his arm. She took it after the observation, gripping his hand lightly. Her boys had told her before that she had a heavy hand and that was something she didn’t want to be remembered for. “Nice to meet you too, Daniel,” She grinned at him, noticing with her peripheral vision that his other arm was only partially covered.

The art on his body was incredibly entrancing.

So entrancing that it made her want another tattoo. But the thought of the machine against her skin sunk that idea instantly.

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