Chapter [8]

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Captured|Chapter 8

Miraculously, I had gotten Derek up to my apartment without him tumbling backwards down the stairs. He was a heavy dude.

He was a bit delirious, blubbering things under his breath with his eyes half lidded and his head sagging on my shoulder.

I managed to unlock the door and drag him inside.

I laid him on my bed, Derek moaning tiredly. I took his boots off and went to take his spoiled shirt off.

"Usually I'd ask you to take me to dinner first." Derek slurred, smirking drunkenly.

I rolled my eyes, balling his shirt up.

"Get some rest." I told him, pulling the covers over him.

"My mom would have liked you..." Derek mumbled sleepily.

I looked at Derek, my heart constricting.

"Mine too..." I whispered, smiling sadly before I went to leave.

"Stay." Derek begged.

I looked back at Derek, gripping the door knob.

"Please...? I don't like sleeping alone."

In that moment, I hadn't noticed how bright his eyes really were. His eyes a piercing green in the dark, shimmering with hope and grief.

"O-okay." I caved, kicking my shoes off and laying on top of the covers.

"Thanks..." Derek whispered, shortly falling asleep.

"You're welcome." I whispered back, staring up at the ceiling, soon falling asleep as well.

I was awoken by the pleasant smell of bacon. My belly grumbled in haste, urging me to find the source of the delicious scent.

I looked over to find Derek gone but his belongings were still messily scattered around.

I slipped out of bed and out to the living area to find Derek cooking.

"Morning?" I greeted with awkwardness.

"You're up!" Derek piped, grabbing plates out of the cupboard. "Please, sit."

I sat at the dining table, thinking better than to ask Derek why he was making breakfast when he clearly has to be having the worst hangover of his life.

Derek set the plates of bacon, eggs, and Ego waffles down before grabbing napkins and silverware.

"I call this 'I'm-sorry-for-being-totally-unprofessional-and-inconveniencing-you-with-drunk-ole-me' breakfast." Derek sputtered out, his eyes holding sincerity and regret.

"I accept your apology breakfast." I grinned, not able to be upset at those puppy eyes.

"Thank you... for taking care of me."

"I couldn't knowingly let you be arrested now could I?" I grinned cheekily, taking a bite of bacon.

Derek grinned back in thankfulness, eating too.

What is my life?

Hey guys. I'm sorry it's been so long. I've had major writers block! I hope you enjoyed this short chapter I squeezed out after months of me being practically awol. Hope to update again soon.

Much love<3

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