The Ghost Driver

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In the three or four months since Mary had Rosie, Sherlock and I had been pitching in to help John and Mary, either when they needed real sleep or they needed to go to work or something, and as a result, the boys haven't had time to go on a case. They hadn't really even looked, I'm sure Sherlock's email has been blowing up but none of us have checked it. Which is why Greg decided to bring us a case one afternoon when Mary is watching Rosie. She and I had agreed that the boys needed to find a new case, for all of us.

I had gotten a text from Mary, telling me that John was on his way over to start looking for a case, since we had convinced the boys it was okay for them to start working again. It's a good thing John is already on his way because shortly after I get Mary's text, Greg comes into the flat. "Sherlock. Hey, Madison."

"Hey, Greg." Greg and I greet each other with a hug.

"You may wanna get John over here. We've got a good one."

"I'm sure he's already on his way here."

Sherlock looks at me confused. "How do would you know that?"

"It's John. He isn't that hard to predict."

Sherlock shrugs. "I should test that theory sometime."

We don't have to wait for too long before John arrives and hurries up the stairs. Stopping in the doorway, once he sees Greg in the middle of the room. "Greg. What's going on?"

"I've got a good one for you three." John enters the flat and goes to sit in his chair, Sherlock was already in his, honestly, I don't think he ever moves from that spot. I sit on the arm of Sherlock's chair, like normal, while Greg pulls a chair out from the table. "It was David Welsborough's fiftieth birthday and he had gotten a call from his son, but the call dropped. A week later, something really weird happened." As Greg says 'something really weird,' a grin comes across Sherlock's face. This will be good for him. The first case in months and it's a weird one, oh joy. "Drunk driver, he's totally smashed, the cops are chasing him and he turns into the drive of the Welsborough house to try and get away. Unfortunately, he ran into the Welsborough's son's car and it exploded. The drunk guy survived; they managed to pull him out, but when they put the fire out and examined the parked car, they found a body."

John leans forward in his chair. "Whose body?"

"Charlie Welsborough, the son."


"The son who was in Tibet. DNA all checks out. The night of the party, the car's empty, then a week later the dead boy's found at the wheel." Sherlock shakes his head closing his eyes, chuckling softly to himself. As he does I elbow him softly. Greg nods and looks over to him. "Yeah, I thought it'd tickle you."

"Have you got a lab report?"

Greg had already been reaching for his briefcase at his side and now puts it on his lap and takes out some folders. "Yeah, Charlie Welsborough's the son of a Cabinet minister, so I'm under a lot of pressure to get results."

I take a deep breath. "Do you have anything on the seats?"

"The seats?"

Sherlock nods, opening his eyes. "Yes, the car seats." John takes the sheet of paper which Greg is offering him. Sherlock sits up and holds out his hand and Greg gives him a folder. Sherlock opens it and the two of us look over the contents. "Made of vinyl."

"Two different types of vinyl." I look up to Greg. "You said it was Charlie's car."

Greg shakes his head. "Yeah. Not flash... He was a student."

Sherlock sits back in his chair. "Well, that's suggestive."

"I agree."

Greg looks over at us. "Why?"

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