And Under We Go

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Since Sherlock didn't really want to go out for his birthday at all, we didn't stay out long. Molly brought little Rosie to the cafe and that was about the only part of the afternoon he was semi-happy about. Once we got back to the flat with John and Rosie, the boys started to question what Mycroft had been saying about 'what happened last time.' "His said it several times. What could he mean by it?"

"Obviously, it means that I have a sister and Mycroft has her hidden away somewhere."

I bounce Rosie on my hip. "Hold on, this just means you have a sister somewhere. For all, we know she ran off and Mycroft never forgive her."

Sherlock shakes his head. "No, whenever he thinks about her he gets very nervous. Like his scared."

John shrugs his shoulders, sitting in his chair. "There is only one way to figure it out and Mycroft won't tell you anything. He won't tell any of us anything. Maybe we can scare it out of him."

Sherlock nods. "That's a good idea."

He begins to gather up a few of his things and so does John. "Madison, you don't mind staying here and watching Rosie do you?"

I sigh softly. "I kind of do, but this is something you two need to do together so go." I wave my hand up and gesture for them to go.

John pats my shoulder as he walks by me. "Thanks, you're the best."

"Yeah..." I shake my head as Sherlock walks up to me, kissing my cheek before he stops looking at me oddly. "What?"

"Nothing, you just... look very nice."

I shake my head. "Go and scare the crap out of your brother." After the boys leave the flat Rosie and I spend most of the night together. "What should we do first Rosie? Huh? What should we do while we wait for Daddy and Uncle Sherlock to get home?" I check the time and notice that it won't be long until Rosie should be in bed so I walk around the flat and bounce Rosie on my hip. "We could play with our rattle or we could... Find something else your daddy left here." I look around the flat and realize that most of the stuff John had left here for Rosie had been cleaned up, moved, or probably thrown out by Mycroft and his 'team' when they came over here after Sherlock was admitted to the hospital. Thankfully, Rosie falls asleep quickly and when she does I lay her on the couch, before putting the playpen of her's John had brought by and laying her in it. I sit on the couch and start to read a book, but before long I fall asleep too. Only to be woken by the boys walking back into the flat. As I jerk up, I see John picking up Rosie, being careful not to wake her up. "What happened?"

John sighs, bouncing Rosie to try and keep her asleep. "Mycroft admitted to Sherlock having a sister and will be here in the morning. Or should I say in a few hours to talk to us about it. I'm gonna take Rosie home and met Molly there and I'll be back."

John heads out as Sherlock starts to put the playpen away. I sit up and rub my temples. I have a splitting headache. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just have a headache. I think it's from falling asleep on the couch."

"Probably, better go get changed and ready for Mycroft."

"Since when do you get ready for Mycroft."

Sherlock shrugs. "I don't know. But we do need to change for tomorrow."

I nod and stand, heading back to the bedroom, taking a quick nap before I get changed. Once I am awake and dressed I head into the bathroom and take some Advil. As I look into the mirror and start getting ready I notice a slight cramp in my lower abdomen, that continues as I walk into the main room. When I get out there, John is back and Mycroft is standing in the middle of the room. Sherlock and John are sitting in their chairs and I decide to keep my discomfort to myself. Sherlock learning about his lost sister is more important than me feeling a little sick. As I walk into the room and over to Sherlock I turn my head to Mycroft. "They won't talk to you unless you sit in the chair."

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