Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 17 ✘

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- Asia

I could tell you that living in this house is easy but it's not, living with dudes ain't what's it's cracked up to be, I don't have anybody to talk to on a different level and I'm really needing that right now . That's why for a couple of weeks shit is about to change in my favor, I asked Trey if it was cool if we could have a little company for a while and he was cool with it . He just better keeps his eyes on me if he knows what the hell is good for him .

"Why you smiling so much, it's too early in the morning to be so damn happy ." Forrest said as I was pouring myself a bowl of cereal

"An old friend of mine is coming over to stay while ."

"Male or Female ?"

"Does it matter ?"

"Actually it does now is it male or female ?"

"It's a female Forrest and don't waste your time trying to hit on her because I can tell you right now she don't want you ."

"Do I sense some jealously ?"

"No boo boo you sense the truth, I know her taste and you ain't on the menu . But listen since it's July 4th weekend Tremaine said I could throw a little party tonight so invite all your friends ."

After my breakfast I got a text from Camilla that she just got off the airplane, I shot down to JFK to go pick her up it was a reunion I've been waiting for a while . Camilla has always been the one I can count on for anything, if a chick needed to be knocked out she was right by my side with the Vaseline but I lost touch with Camilla after college she went through so much traumatic shit when she was younger and took the time out after college to take a moment out deal with it but I'm just glad to see that she's in good spirits now .

- Camilla Raleigh Sky

Camilla, say it with me Ca – Mill – A . It's a simple ass name please don't screw it up, so first things first is my girl called me down here cause she need a little help luckily she called to the right person .

Back in the day we used to go on and on about the type of guys we would be with, she always said that she wanted someone as strong as her, not physically but mentally, he had to be cute and tall, and be respectful to women, but the most important was his ass better have some money . Who knew she would snatch up Mr. Right, but I'll be the judge of that .

Before we get started I should let you know a little secret about me because I'm sure you already know what is about to be schemed up.

But before you get ahead of yourself, pump your brakes because I don't do dudes . I'm Lesbian I don't play with sticks but I sure will break a niggas if he ever think he could try and get any of this .

"This is going to be a bomb as weekend I can't wait for you to see them ." Asia said as we were driving back from the airport

"Is Mr. Songz home ?"

"He might be I don't know if he left or not ."

"Girl you don't mind me being a groupie for 5 minutes do you ? I just want a hug, a picture and to smell his shirt ." I smiled brightly

I laughed "Bring it back to reality please, calm down . A picture, sure if he'll let you but a hug and that shirt thing and I don't know about all that ."

"I'm only playing but tell me more about that other the one, what's the deal with him ?"

"This is the plan for the weekend, I told Forrest you were coming but he doesn't know about your interest in women so I already know as soon as he sees you he'll be drooling in seconds . Play with his mind a little ."

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