Tips for deduction (part one)

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1. Observing is the first step to deducing; some places to look include cuffs, sleeves, knees, and elbows. There can be any number of clues lingering in these spots.

2. If someone writes and holds their palm off their page, but rests their pinky on the page, they are likely to be a sketcher or watercolour artist; as the pinky provides stability without smudging their work.

3. When a person lies, it's often accompanied by an adrenaline rush. This release causes capillaries to expand, making the nose itch.

4. If a girl has french-braided her own hair, the slight left or right angle of the braid will indicate her dominant hand.

5. When someone closes their eyes longer than usual to blink, they are stressed, alarmed, or in despair.

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