Observation is easy but knowing what to observe is hard.

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Observation is easy but knowing what to observe is hard.

First thing to deduce is hand dominance. Deducing whether someone uses left or right makes it easier for us to identify their choices and reactions. For example, left handed person inclines to artistry and will react mostly with his left hand.

Things to observe;
- ink marks
- watches
- bracelets or rings
- handled phone
- pocket with phone/wallet
- bagpack's sling closer to the neck
- swerving of ponytail/braid
- something they carry with one hand.

Note: If they use one hand for actions, like combing their hair or pleading their shirts, check if the other hand is holding something. If none, then the used hand is highly probably the dominant hand.

The identification of dexterity is essential in investigations. Sometimes, crime scenes reveal the handedness of the culprit and identifying it will make process of elimination easier. Thus, another one step towards arresting the criminal.

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