Binary Code (Capital Letters)

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The Binary code is a code that the computers recognize using only 1's and 0's. It is a very complicated code because they are different for lowercase and capital.

A 01000001

B 01000010

C 01000011

D 01000100

E 01000101

F 01000110

G 01000111

H 01001000

I 01001001

J 01001010

K 01001011

L 01001100

M 01001101

N 01001110

O 01001111

P 01010000

Q 01010001

R 01010010

S 01010011

T 01010100

U 01010101

V 01010110

W 01010111

X 01011000

Y 01011001

Z 01011010

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