4. A Mystery to unravel.

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The meeting went as Virat had planned it. Rajiv is a good person. If he wouldn't have been a good person, why would he have helped all the people? In today's world, when nobody really cares about the other, he provides shelter to the people who don't have any family or friends. Moreover, the people who are left alone by their family are also welcomed in Reborn. Virat became happy thinking that he was part of such a beautiful endeavor.

After their meeting got over, Rajiv casually asked Virat about whether he would like to meet the people living in Reborn. He asked it because generally most of the celebrities who came there to donate would interact with the people just for the sake of getting some photos clicked which would later on be published on the entertainment section of the newspapers, magazines, websites and last but not the least, their social media handles. What Rajiv may not have known was that Virat had no hidden motives. He was not here because his PR team asked him to. He decided to provide his help to Reborn by his own will.

Virat's face brightened on hearing Rajiv's question. He wanted to meet the people of Reborn. To be more specific, he wanted to meet one particular person named Anushka Sharma. Although he met Anushka only today, that too only for a short while, he found that inner urge in him to know her. Something about her striked as different to him. The only thing was that he was not able to point it out what that thing was to be exact.

Rajiv had no idea about what was going on in Virat's mind. And how would he know actually? He was no mind reader to read people's mind.

Once Virat agreed to meet the people, Rajiv wasted no time and directly took Virat inside Reborn. He guided him through the corridor to the main area where the rooms were. As they passed through the corridor, Rajiv went about explaining to him about how the rooms were alloted. The aged people were given single room. The girls were given rooms where two were supposed to share one room. The allotment of the rooms were the same for the boys too. The kids, on the other hand were made to stay in the dorm where there were bunk beds and separate study table for each one of them.

Virat listened to everything that Rajiv had to say attentively. All that he had for Rajiv at that point was just pure respect. He respected Rajiv for everything that he was doing.

As they reached near the rooms, Rajiv stopped on his tracks and looked at Virat.

"Whom do you want to meet?" Rajiv asked Virat with a smile.
Virat scratched his head and thought. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that he wanted to meet Anushka. However, what he didn't know was that whether he should tell Rajiv about it or not.

"Ummm anyone who'd know about Reborn in the best way." Virat answered.

Rajiv's smile widened on hearing Virat's reply. Only then did he realize that Virat wasn't just another celebrity who was there to get his popularity boosted through some charitable works. Maybe he was helping Reborn because he genuinely wanted to.

"Sure. I guess I should take you to Anushka then. She's everyone's favorite here." Rajiv said.

Virat's happiness knew no bounds on hearing that. He wanted to meet Anushka. The only dilemma on his part was that he couldn't say about it directly to Rajiv. However, now it wasn't even needed because Rajiv by himself suggested that Virat should meet Anushka.

It was not that Virat was attracted to Anushka in a romantic way. Yeah! She was beautiful. Also, cute but, Virat wasn't ready to be in love again. He was not over Illeana. It was not that easy for him to forget what he had with her. After all, he had loved her with his heart. It was she who had changed him for the better. A large part of his heart was still occupied by his feelings for her.

What Virat exactly felt with Anushka was some sort of connection. When she was around him, he didn't have to fake or mask his emotions. He smiled for real when he was with her. Maybe it was because of the positive aura that she carried around her, Virat couldn't say.

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