Trouble (Chapter 18)

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Sj's POV

"OOOHHHHHH MY GOD! I can't believe you idiots did that! You guys are so stupid sometimes!" By now I was laughing so hard I was crying.

Babe! Austin called

Yes'm? I answered

Are you gonna make It over there!? Austin asked

Yeah. Oh you guys are dumb. That's gonna make for great headlines "Austin Mahone nearly kicked out of a mall, for unruly behavior. " I said smirking.


Austin leaned in for a kiss, I leaned in as if I was going to kiss him. Our lips brushed passed each other and with that I pulled back a smirked

TEASE! Austin whined

I smirked and walked away. I could feel his stares on my ass. He's just so lovely. 😉


So earlier in the mall when you teased me babe?, I'm gonna get you back for it. Austin smirked and walked away.

I followed. Two can play at that game babe. You know you're gonna lose. You'll miss my lips to much. I winked and when back to our bedroom.


Later that night...

SUTTTTOOOOONNNN..... Austin whined

Ausssstttttiiiinnnn... I mimicked.

I can't do this I quit, I miss your lip. Austin said

Awhhh Poor thing. I win.! I yelled!!!

Come here(:

I felt his lips pressed to mine. It seemed to last forever until we heard clapping 😒.

Awh look at little Austy... Zach mocked.

Ameezy! Man! Damnnnn! Robert howled

AC just stood there laugh.

I was so embarrassed I hid my face in Austin's chest!

Not cool guy! Y'all are so immature. Austin stated

I giggled. And what makes you think you're mature mister?

Babe, come on we all know I am.

I busted out in a fit of laughter! Babe as much as I love you, you are the most immature. It's like you're still 14. Anyways! Night losers.! I pecked Austin on the lips and when to bed.

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