What have i done? (Chapter 44)

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Austin's POV

AC got there when I began to sober up. I seen what I had done. She looked dead. I checked for a pulse. She was still alive. I began to cry, I've almost killed the love of my life. The one I swore to protect. 😭 I'm a horrible husband. I want her. I don't want Sophia. I want Sutton. I want to be with Sutton, and Jeydon. I want it to go back to before Sophia started to black mail me. I never wanted to leave Sutton, but I didn't do that Sophia would have killed the love of my life. Now I've broken her. I don't wanna loose her.


My phone began to ring.

Austin come down and talk to Sutton, she's crying and just wants you. I told her but the only one she wants is you. Jeydon wants you too. Come down here bro, she needs you.

I'm on my way!

End of call.


I was driving down the road when my phone rang.

Sophia: where do you think your going. Remember what i told you.

Look Sophia I don't care. I'm in love with Sutton, I'll never love you the way I love her. She's the one I'll always be in love with. You can threaten me all you want but I'll be going to the cops. Stay away from me an my family.

Austin you'll regret this. And my skanky cousin will too. Keep a close eye on that little boy of yours. Bye Austin.


I pulled into the hospital. I ran into the lobby.

MAHONE! Where's Sutton Mahone!?

Room 764

Sir I'm afraid you can't go in there.

I'm her husband!

Are you Austin!?





Austin. I know what Sophia was doing. When I thought you were cheating I bugged your phone. I know. Please forgive me.

Oh Sutton. I never wanted you to go. She told me if I didn't make you leave or hurt you she'd kill you and Jeydon. I love you.

I love you too Austin. JeyJey come here!!!!


Hey big boy. I missed you.

I missed you too daddy, I'm sowey.

Oh Jey, it's not your fault. I love you.

I love you too daddy.


I love you mommy!

I love you Jey.


Yes baby?

I love you.

I love you too. I love mommy too.



I love you Austin Carter Mahone.

I love you too Sutton Janelle Mahone. 😘

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