Big News! (Chapter 28)

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Oh yeah that..... Well.... Austin......

Babe are you okay?

I'm fine Austin justalittlepregnant. I slightly smiled.

Pregnant? Austin's eyes grew big!

Really you're pregnant. By now Austin was smiling so big.

Uh yeah.

Oh my goodness! IM GONNA BE A FRICKING DAD! Babe? Why didn't you tell my earlier?

I was a little afraid.

Of what?

Of what you would say. I can tell now you are really happy!

Of course I'm happy! There is a little Mahone in your belly growing! I can't even stop smiling!(:

I'm really glad you proposed before I told you though.

Why's that?

I didn't want you to feel obligated to marry me.

Two things. 1. Id marry you anyways 2. What would you have done if I didn't propose yet?

Well I would have told you still silly.

Ahhhhhhhh I'm so happy! First we are getting married! And we have a little one growing in your belly! Sutton Janelle, I LOVE YOU! So what are we gonna name the baby?

Calm down Romeo, 1. It's to early to tell what the baby is. 2. I don't know. Don't you think we should tell everyone?

No way! Make em find out themselves!

Well it will be a while before it gets noticeable babe.

So. I guess they won't know for a while.

I'm still telling Lauren!

Fine! I'll tell AC! But make sure they are clear on not telling anyone.

Austin. Tell your mother too!

Okay okay! I'm going right now!

Oh no you aren't.

Why not?

Cause you're mine! Lay down with me! Puppy eyes. Works everytime on that boy.

Okay(: I love you.

I love you too.


Sutton's POV

Austin just kept staring at my belly for whispering " I love you too little one". He's gonna be such a great dad. I guess since I'm making Austin tell Mama, I should probably tell my parents too. Oh boy I'm in for a ride. This isn't even gonna end well. I mean moms accepted it. Dad still hates it. Has hated it for 4 years. Me and Austin had our 4 year anniversary! That's just how the baby happened. I couldn't be more happy.


Austin's POV

IM GONNA BE A DAD! I'm married the love of my life, and we're having a baby. I hope it's a boy. Not that I don't want a daughter because that would be amazing later on. I just want a son first. Sutton is making me tell my mom. I wonder if she's gonna tell her dad? He never really accepted our relationship. Not even over 4 years. Sutton when through hell and back a few years back and didn't even tell her parents about the attack. She was afraid he'd make her leave me. I was the only one who could keep her from crying. It was a good feeling known she felt safe with me.


Dad? I called out


Yeah! Where are you?


I walked into the kitchen and he started asking questions.

What's wrong? Did Austin do it? Are you still together?

Okay dad, Austin would never hurt me. Yes we are still together and are gonna be for a long time. We're engaged. Most importantly. I'm pregnant.

I stood there waiting for an answer.

Dad? Daddy? Are you even happy for me?

Sutton I.......




What do you think Sutton's dad is gonna say? The biggest question is where or not he hates it or loves it? Also should they have a girl or a boy? 😏 xx

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