Screaming Match (Chapter 29)

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Sutton's POV

Sutton I........ Congrats but I'm not happy about this. I don't want you to have that baby or marry Austin! I told you never to get involved with that boy!

Tears built up in my eyes. I blinked and they started running down my faces.

WHY CAN'T YOU EVEN ACCEPT ANYTHING!!? You are supposed to be happy for me! I'm almost 22! I haven't lived here since I was 18! Austin has never done anything but treat me good! He was the only one who made me feel safe a few years ago when I was raped! I bet you didn't know about that did you!? No because if I would have told you, you would have came barging into our lives and taken my only feeling of safety and ripped us apart!! We are getting married and are having a baby! Better accept it now! You can either be and my wedding and be apart of ALL 3 of our lives, or don't come and stay out of our lives. I've got a good fiancé who takes care of me, treats me like I'm royalty and most of all loves me! I hate when he gets me things because I don't care about material things! He's given me the best gift. He loves me! And you can't even be happy! WHY IS THAT?


I will. I have one question.

Yeah what's that?

Are you gonna be at the wedding?

Sutton. I.....I.....just...



Well obviously that didn't go as she hoped. Why is Rocco doing this? Sutton's so happy and he can't even accept it? Why does he no what her to be with Austin?

😉 xx

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