Chapter 7

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Rachel's POV

I've been living with Finn for about 2 weeks and I honestly wish I had met him sooner. Finn and I have gone out so much this week.

We shop, eat, go out to movies and sightsee. He spoils me so much but I love it so much. We're basically dating and this is the first time any guy ever made me feel like this. Brody never made me feel any of the things that I feel when I'm with Finn.

Brody texts and calls me countless times every day. Finn eventually just started to roll his eyes once I told him that it was Brody.

This morning while I was in the kitchen making breakfast, my phone rang. You'll never believe who it was!

Finn walks in and grabs my phone and answers it.

"Hey pal, why don't you go and torment someone else cause we're both pretty exhausted from your annoying phone calls!! So I suggest you stop calling cause Rachel doesn't need an abusive bastard in her life!!!!" He hangs up the phone and slams the phone on the countertop.

"Do you think he'll listen?" I ask him.

"Doesn't matter cause tonight your not bringing your phone tonight."

"What's tonight?"

"We are going out, but on a fancy date."

"Where are we going?"

"That's a secret." He says smiling.

"The suspense is killing me." My tone is happy, but I'm nervous because this will be our first real, hardcore date.

I'm looking at all my dress options for tonight and don't know which one will make Finn drop his jaw in.

I go for my short black dress with lace that makes the top portion of my chest slightly visible. It was fancy but not trashy.
I put my hair up in a high pony and pull out my bangs on both sides.
I then grab a pair of black heels before I'm interrupted.

"You ready to go Rachel?"

"Ya, I'll be down in a minute!" I call down to him.

I grab my fake diamond studs and a black hand purse and make my way to the stairs.

Finn is waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs in a really nice dress shirt with a pair of slacks. I had to stare at him for a couple seconds before I came back to realization that I still had to walk down the stairs.

He had the same effect while looking at him. When I walked off the last step he was staring a little lower then at my face.

"Eyes up here Finn!" I snap.

He jerks his head up and walks over to grab my hand. He gives me a kiss and says:

"Sorry about that." his smirk appears. The smirk I love.

"I just thought I should tell you that you look gorgeous." He says while guiding me out the door.

I smile and blush uncontrollably.
"You look pretty amazing too."

We head out into his car and drive to heart of New York City where he parks on the side of the road.

He opens my door and I grab his hand.
He guides me through the crowded New York streets to a fancy Restaurant named Sorntinios.

"Why such a fancy date?" I ask him.

"Because I love you and I see no problem with giving you a little reminder of that."

I kiss him hard while pulling his waist closer to mine.

We eat at the restaurant while making small talk.
Finn really was a romantic guy, which is something every girl likes in a guy, even though we never say it.

After we ate we walk to Central Park and sit on a little bench.

"Remember when you said that the necklace your dads gave you was kinda a good luck charm for you?"

"Yes...Finn where is this going?"

"Since we couldn't get it back, I thought I could give you a different good luck charm. Even though it's not the same, I hope it gives you the same amount of luck."
He pulls out a small box and hands it to me.
I open the box to find a small gold necklace chain with the name Finn on it. The "i" in Finn had a small Ruby attached to the dot.

"Oh my god Finn it's beautiful!"
He takes it out of the box and puts it on me. It's truly beautiful.

"So everyone knows your my girl." He kisses me carefully with our tongues brushing against each others. I really can't help myself right now.

"So, do you want to go home?"

He gulps.

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