Chapter 39

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Finn's POV

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, I was totally expecting my equally as beautiful wife to be lying next to me in bed, but she wasn't.

I get up and head downstairs to the kitchen where I find a note on the fridge.

Went out to eat and shop with Santana and Britt, be back around 3!

Wake up the kids, don't let them sleep in!

-Rachel xoxo

I look at the clock and see it's 11:30. I should probably wake everyone up.

First I head to Ross' room.

Since he's my only son, he deserves to be woken up like a guy. I first throw a pillow at his head but I only get a sleepy groan noise in response. I then decide to take desperate measures.

I fill a cup full of water and pour it all over his head. His body jumps from the bed.

"Dad?! What the hell, it's Saturday!!" He shouts.

"Yeah, and tomorrow is Sunday and the day after that is Monday. You should still get up."

I leave his room and enter Haylee's. She's already up and messing around on her phone.

"Hey, come down stairs and I'll make pancakes." I say.

Her face lights up brighter than her phone. "Okay, I'll be down in a second."

I nod and leave for Emma's room. You would expect an 8 year old to be up by now but she likes to sleep in just as much as Ross does.

I quietly crawl onto her bed and cuddle with her in my arms.

"Em, start to wake up. I'm making pancakes."

She starts to wiggle around in my arms and then hugs me with her eyes open.

"SHE'S ALIVE!!!!" I exclaim. I hear Emma let out a light giggle and start to get up. Right before I do the same, my hand travels along the back of her pillow when I'm stopped by a small object.

I flip her pillow over to see a small, black, and square shaped object sticking to the fabric.

"What are you doing, Daddy?" Emma asks.

"Emma, do you know what this is?" I ask holding it up in front of her face.

"Nope!" I watch her exit the room.

I take a closer look at it and notice it's almost like a miniature speaker but has a small red flashing light.

It looks like one of those things that spies from movies put somewhere in your house to listen in on .what your doing.

Why would there be one in Emma's room?

I take it with me downstairs and place it on the kitchen countertops as I look for the pancake mix. The kids were all downstairs watching TV, leaving me by myself.

My next piece of equipment needed for the pancakes is a large bowl for the mix. I search the top cabinet and find what I'm looking for, but I'm stopped by a faint red flash.

There's more of these?

I take it out and notice that it's identical to the one from Emma's room. I'm starting to seriously consider that someone is trying to listen in on what our family is doing.

Only one person comes to mind.


After I make the pancakes, I go crazy. My instincts tell me to search the entire house for these and get rid of them. So I basically destroyed every room in the house searching for the little speakers.

While I was searching Haylee's room, I hear the front door open and then a loud gasp.

"FINN, WHY DOES MY HOUSE LOOK LIKE HELL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" It was Rachel.

I didn't realize it was already 3.

"Rachel, you were right!!" I yell walking down the stairs to her.

"Finn...what are you talking about?" She asks very annoyed.

"I found these little speakers all over the house and I know who put them here, Brody!" I hand one of the speakers to Rachel. She takes a couple seconds to examine it and finally replies.

"Well what are we waiting for?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, following her into the kitchen.

She found my collection of the speakers and grabbed a hammer. She placed the speaker in front of her and started smashing them one by one.

"RACHEL!! What on Earth are you doing?" I grab the hammer from her.

"You have to hold the hammer with both hands!" I say jokingly.

She belts out a loud laugh. We spend the next 10 minutes viscously destroying the speakers. We were interrupted by Ross.

"You guys have officially lost your minds." He says flatly.

"Love you too!" Rachel yells sarcastically.

"Such great husband-wife bonding time we're having, is it not?" I say handing the hammer to Rachel for her turn.

"I wouldn't want to do this with anybody else except you!" She says taking a swing at the speakers.

"Me too!" I exclaim.

If this was Brody who put the speakers in here, I can assure you that he won't be listening in on us anymore.

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