Chapter 31

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Rachel's POV

My car is completely flipped over. I'm basically upside down in my seat, so I unclip my seatbelt and hit the car roof quite hard.

"Rachel?!" I hear a quiet voice coming from my phone.

I never ended the phone call with Kurt. I reach for my phone, but the pain in my stomach is stopping me. I look down and see blood all over my hands, stomach, and legs.

People were starting to get out of their cars and attempt to help me, but I just wanted Finn.

I finally manage to grab my phone and speak to Kurt.

"Kurt, meet me at the hospital...." I hang up and start to dial Finn's number, but am interrupted by a medic opening the car door.

"Mam' you are going to need to help us while we try to move you out, safely."

I nod. They grab my arms and slowly pull me away from the glassy mess.

Instead of the pain from my cuts, I get pain from the baby.

"Ahhhhh!!!! The baby!!" I yell while cupping my stomach.

Right then and there, my water breaks.

This can't happen, not now. She's to early. I need Finn here, he probably thinks I hate him.

"Get her on the stretcher, she's going into labor!!" A medic yells.

As they pull me into the ambulance, the pain only gets more intense, like something's wrong. I don't think I should be in this much pain.

"I need my husband..." I mutter.

"What's your husband's name, and your doctors.

"Finn Hudson and Dr. Lawson." I reply barely awake.

One of the medics grab a phone and dial a number.

"Dr. Lawson, we have one of you patients on her way to the hospital. She was in a major car accident and her water broke."

There was a pause, then the medic hung up.

"Ok, Dr. Lawson will be waiting at the hospital to preform an immediate c-section on you."

That's when I lose it, I'm so damaged that I can't even give birth by myself. I let out loud sobs all the way to the hospital.
They pull me out of the truck and into the hospital building where I see Kurt.

"Rachel, Finn's on his way!!! Is she gonna be ok?!?!" He yells at the top of his lungs.

Without even a reply to him, I'm in another room with about 6 doctors.

"Sedate her." Dr. Lawson says walking into the room.
A doctor places a plastic mask over my face which makes me drowsy and weaker than I already was before, until I finally fall asleep.

"Please tell me she and the baby are all right!"

"She is stable but your baby is in a dire state."

I open my eyes to Finn crying with his hands over his face and a helpless Dr. Lawson. When Finn looks up, he sees me.

"Rachel, are you okay?" He asks all while still crying.

"Where is she, I want to see her..." I reply weakly.

"You can't see her, but we did manage to take a picture of her before she was put under care of other doctors, and don't worry, Finn was here the whole time." Dr. Lawson says while grabbing a piece of paper and handing it to me.

It had a picture of my beautiful daughter, her eyes were hazel, like Finn's and her hair was brown, like mine. Below the picture was all of her information.

Weight: 2 pounds, 5 ounces.

DOB: September 2nd

Time: 10:23 pm

Name: Chelsea Michele Hudson

I looked up from the picture and at Finn.

"She's perfect. I love her name, first and middle. You were right, we'll know her name when we see her, this name is just right for her." I say hugging Finn.

"I knew you would love it."

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