Chapter 48

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Rachel's POV

His eyes are piercing into me like a knife. His expression is blank while I remain on edge. I'm pretending to look away when really, I'm watching him watch me.

Not once did he break eye contact with me. My skin feels like it crawling, it also felt like this when he touched me.

I remember when Brody asked me to move in with him. We had only been dating each other for a couple months and I knew it would lead to sex.

In all honesty, I didn't want to because I wasn't ready for a commitment that big.

"Rachel Hudson? Are you ready to speak?" The judge asks.

"Yes." I remove myself from the seat I was in and walk to the podium.

"Please tell us your relation to Mr. Weston."

"Once upon a time we used to date, but he has attempted to kill me and my husband twice, so I wouldn't say that we're good friends."

I watch Brody roll his eyes.

"When did these threats start to happen?" He asks.

"The first time it happened, was about 14 years ago. His recent threats started a couple weeks ago."

I glance towards Finn, who is looking quite uncomfortable.

More and more questions were asked while more and more answers were given.

After my turn on the podium, then it was Finn, followed by Brody.

"Mr. Weston, please explain your motive for kidnapping the Hudson's children."

Brody takes a second to think. "Rachel has always loved me, we just went through a rough patch just like in any other relationship. Another thing, can we stop calling her Rachel Hudson? Even though it should be Rachel Weston, I can live with calling her Berry."

I am totally appalled by what he just said. Pretty much everything that just came out of his mouth, made me want to choke him to death just a little bit more.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I whisper to Finn.

He nods, knowing I'm going to have a short nervous break down.

Brody watches me leave the room with the sound of my heels clicking to the floor.

In the bathroom, I pull out my phone and call Haylee.

"Hey, how's everything at home?" I ask.

"Pretty good actually. It's really...quiet."

"Good, I guess-"

"When will you and dad be home?"

"Hard to say, trials can take a while for decisions but I have a feeling it won't be to much longer."

"Okay, see you later!" She hangs up.

I thought a conversation would make me calm down, but my anxiety level remains the same. I need something to hold me back from going into that room again.

Instead, I decide to text Finn.

If he's still talking, I'm not going in. -Rachel

They removed him, I'm glad you weren't in here to listen to what he said next. -Finn

Yeah, same here. So what's going on in there right now? -Rachel

The court is making their decision, it's safe to come in;) -Finn

Ok, coming. -Rachel

Before I open the door to the courtroom, someone else does.

It's Brody, along with an officer. As soon as he spots me, his handcuffed hands reach for the officer's gun.

He points it at me and fires.

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