Chapter 13

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Finn's POV

I was in my bedroom getting dressed for the club when Rachel walked out of the bathroom with a tight fitting red dress on that made me drool.

"Oh my god, can we just skip the club? I don't think I can wait that long for you while your wearing that."

"Well your gonna have to wait for quite a while cause Kurt asked me to sleep over at his apartment. I said yes because we needed to catch up anyway. Don't worry, I'll be back in the morning." She winks at me.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask.

"Yeah, c'mon!"

I take her hand and walk out of the bedroom with her when she freezes.

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot something! I'll be back in one sec." She runs into the bathroom and searches through one of her bags.

She comes back out with her "Finn" necklace on that I gave her a couple weeks back. I pull her towards me and kiss her.

When we get to the club, Rachel immediately runs over to Kurt, Santana, Brittany, Puck, Mike, Artie and Tina. It was like a high school reunion.
I quickly join her and greet everybody.

"Finn!!! I haven't seen you in so long!" Puck yells while giving him a bro hug.

"Yeah man! So how bout we all get a drink and dance!" I yell.

Everybody screams with excitement and heads over to the bar then out to the heated dance floor.

Rachel is dancing on the other side of the club with Brittany, Santana, Kurt, and Tina. I eye her up and down taking in the amazement of my flawless girlfriend. She seems to notice and blushes.

I walk over to where she was at and take her hand to dance. She instantly laughs at my awful dance moves. I can't help it that I suck, I probably suck even more then I already did because of Brody's stab wound.

A slower song starts to play so I grab her waist and slow dance with her. She kisses my neck while I sway her back and fourth. "I want to stay in this moment forever..." She says. I nod in agreement.

"I hate to break up this little moment but Rachel, me and the girls are heading back to my place. C'mon!" Kurt says poking her.

"See you tomorrow Finn." She whispers in my ear before heading off with Kurt.

The rest of the night, I talked with Puck at the bar, until he gasped in my opposite direction. I looked to where he was staring and saw Quinn Fabray, my ex girlfriend from high school. She was looking right at me. Before you know it she was sitting in the open chair next to me.

"Long time, Finn." She says.

I hear Puck get up from his seat to give us some space.

"Yeah...what are you doing in New York?"

"A little vacation, I'll be going back to Lima in a couple weeks. In the mean time, I plan on enjoying myself." She says in a flirty voice.

I'm starting to feel really uncomfortable. She places her hand on my cheek and says:

"Can we start over?" I quickly remove her hand from my face.

"I'm in a serious relationship."

"With who???"

"Rachel Berry"

There is a look of surprise on her face, then it fades to a relaxed look.

"Well I don't see her, want to head over to my apartment?"

"Quinn, we broke up years ago. I don't have any interests in you whatsoever.

I get up from my seat, say goodbye to everybody and drive home.

When I get there, I don't bother locking the door because Rachel said she'd be back in the morning.

I pull off my shirt and pants and head to bed in my boxers.

I wake up to the bedroom door opening. I look at my clock and see it's 1:30 am.

"Rachel...?" I say barley awake.

I hear a "mmhhmm" as she crawls into my bed.
I wrap my arms around her and fall asleep.

Rachel's POV

I wake up on a sleeping bag in Kurt's apartment, with everyone else who spent the night. I decide to leave a note for Kurt to say that I was going back to Finn's. I get up and write a quick note and place it on Kurt's nightstand.

Once I get to Finn's apartment, I open the door to find it unlocked. Finn shouldn't be doing that, honestly people could of come in here to steal all our stuff.

I walk to the kitchen to find Finn nowhere. He must be asleep, I'll surprise him I think to myself. I walk up the stairs and into our bedroom to find a nightmare waiting for me.

I see a shirtless Finn holding onto Quinn. She's only wearing a black bra. I scream because it's truly one of the most awful things I've ever seen in my life. My boyfriend holding onto Quinn made me queasy.

My scream seemed to startle Finn and it woke Quinn up. Finn looks at me in disbelief, then he looks at Quinn and gasps. "WHAT THE HELL QUINN?!" She looks at him confused. "What'd i do?" She smirks.

It's only a matter of time before I throw up, so I sprint out of the room and attempt to make it to the door, all hurl free. Finn is running and screaming after me.


I stop and slap him across the face. He grabs the place on his face where I hit him, he looks at me in utter shock and sadness. His eyes are swelling with tears. Then I start to tear up with betrayal, then my anger kicks in.


Without thinking, I rip off the Finn necklace I was wearing and throw it like a football at his face.

I rush out of the apartment and slam the door. I'm surprised I didn't break it. I get in my car sobbing. I drive to Kurt's without looking back.

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