Chapter 10

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Rachel's POV

I wake up on the cold hard ground.

I sit up and look around. I see Finn, unconscious on the other side of the room.
"Finn!" My voice is scratchy and barely audible. It just sounds like I'm some dying animal.
My call seems to wake him up.

"Rachel, I love you." He says while looking at me. It seems like he can't even stay awake. Then I notice why.

His blood is all around him.

Before I can stand up and walk over to him, I hear a door open. Brody walks in and heads toward Finn.

"Brody stop, he needs to go to the hospital!"

"You know, I also had to go to the hospital after you stabbed me with that bottle glass. I only needed stitches, looks like he's not going to get to have the same option." He says all while he picks and drags Finn to the door.

I stand to my feet and run to Brody, before I could do anything he hits me in the face.

I fall to the ground with my head smacking against it.

I sit up and violently start coughing, my coughing is like an 80 year old with Bronchitis.

"My inhaler..." I search around to see if my purse is anywhere to be found, but it's not.

"She needs her inhaler!!!" Finn yells at the top of his lungs.

Brody looks at me worriedly and drops Finn.
"I'll get it." He says.

He exits the room to get my purse, I assume.

I crawl to Finn who is in and out of consciousness.
"I love you too." I whisper in his ear.

I hear a noise behind the walls of the room.


The door busts open with multiple police officers.

"Get the medics in here!!" One of them says.

But it's to late, I close my eyes and don't open them.

The next time that I do open my eyes, I'm in a hospital bed. I look to my left and my right, hoping that Finn was in here.

Why would I think he was in here? Doctors are probably all over him right now trying to fix him.

"Oh your finally awake miss Berry!"
I look to hear where the voice came from. It was a tall black haired nurse.

"Where's Finn Hudson? Is he okay? He got stabbed, please tell me he's ok!" I shout a little to loudly at her.

"He's in ICU, there have been multiple surgeries preformed on him but none of them seem to be affecting him substantially. I'm sorry to tell you this but he recently went into a coma, the doctors don't know when he will wake up or if he even will wake up."

My stomach drops. I get up and run to the bathroom in my room. I feel my insides coming up out of me. I throw up in the toilet.

My heart feels like it's been shattered. And maybe it has been. I cry hysterically and continue throwing up.

The nurse puts a hand on my back while I puke. In a way I'm happy that she is here but I also feel like I'm embarrassing myself in front of her.

"The man who kidnapped you and Finn, he will be going to prison."

I slowly inhale and exhale.

"If he kills Finn, I have nothing to live for." I sob out.

The nurse crouches down to my level on the floor and flushes the toilet.

"Everything will play out for the best. My name is Hannah, by the way."

"Thank you, Hannah..."

If Finn dies, I will never be the same.

Beginning & EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora