Chapter 14

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Finn's POV

I was standing by the front door with the Finn necklace Rachel threw at me crying. I can't believe anything like this could happen to me. I just lost the most amazing thing that's ever been in my life.

Then I remember Quinn is still here. Heat fills my head as I stomp into the bedroom where she had spent the night with me. I thought she was Rachel, how stupid am I really?

"Get the hell out and never come back!" I scream in her face.

"Finn, she's gone. We can start a relationship without worrying about her." She says happily.

My whole body tightens, the anger inside of me is about to fire all at Quinn.

"GET OUT!!!!!!!!!" I scream at her and don't stop until she sprints out of the room and out of the house.

I fall to the floor and bury my face in my hands. Just think, about 12 hours ago my hands were holding hers and now I don't think that it will ever happen again.

I have to go after her and explain myself. I throw on some clothes then get in my car. She probably just went to Kurt's again so I drive over to his apartment.

Rachel's POV

I knock on Kurt's door, still sobbing. He opens it and looks at me like I'm a ghost.

"Oh dear god your a mess, what happened?"

I fall into his arms and cry an unbelievable amount of tears on his shirt. He collects me and sets me on the couch to cry.

"I'll make you some soup if you like?" He says, but I just can't eat. I'll probably just throw it up like I did in the hospital 24/7.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" He blurts.

"Finn slept with Quinn!!" I shout at him angrily.
He slowly gets up and walks to the kitchen.

"I'm making you soup, get over it."


I then get a message from Finn.

Rachel you have to believe me when I say I didn't cheat on you. I'm coming to Kurt's to talk with you.

I gag a little in my mouth knowing that he'll be here shortly. I think i'd rather die then hear an apology from him. I feel like there is nothing in me. Nothing good...only bad things that will make my life worse than it already is.

"Is there like a rooftop here or something? I need fresh air." I explain to Kurt.

"Ya, just click the roof button in the elevator."

I walk out of his apartment and into the elevator. I look at how many floors there are. 20. Perfect.
I click roof and wait till the doors open. Fresh air fills my nose as I walk around the rooftop. It was a beautiful day for such an awful incident.

I walk to the edge where a railing separates me from the long drop down. I look down and see kids, couples, friends, and fast walking business men and women. I imagine me being down there holding Finn's hand and then I snap back to reality.

"They don't know how lucky they are...I will never know how to be like them." I say softly to myself.

My mind becomes consumed with one thought. One thing that will make my worries go away. Death.

I slowly place my legs over the railing to a 2 inch walk space where I put my small feet. Now it was just me and the drop. Wind blew through my hair and my skin as I was still gripping to the railing behind me.

I begin to cry lightly. The wind blows my tears off my face and into the air.

All you have to do is jump.

Why is this so hard?

It will be quick and I won't feel a thing. I'm finally convinced.

I ever so slightly place one of my feet into the blowing wind when I'm interrupted.


I know it's Finn but I've already let go of the railing and started to fall.

I close my eyes, not wanting to see how long it will take until I hit the ground.

Both of my feet are in the air. Here I go.

But nothing happens. I don't feel the drop like you would feel on a roller coaster. I feel the fast and strong arms of Finn hook around my waist and slam me against building. His hands suddenly lose their grasp on me as I slide from the building and down back to the way I intentionally planned on going. To my death.

Finn grabs my hand in the nick of time. He clasps onto it with both of his hands as he pulls me up and back over the railing. As soon as I'm back on solid ground I fall. Finn drops down to me and hugs me so tightly that I need air.

"Why would you even think about taking your own life, I can't live without you and you are about to throw yourself off a building?!" I hear him shout and cry all at once. Hearing him cry makes me wonder what really happened with him and Quinn. His love for me was genuine and I'm selfish enough to destroy that.

In that moment I break down in his comforting arms. He holds and rocks me slowly while I wheeze and shout I'm sorry into his chest.

He takes my shaky hand and kisses it. I look up at him and stare into his eyes which are full of tears and pain. All of which I caused. I take my hand and place it onto his face and gently kiss him like I might never get the chance again. He kisses back, but the moment we stop kissing, he picks me up bridal style and back into the elevator to Kurt's apartment.

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