Chapter 27

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Finn's POV

I had gotten the picture of Rachel and the baby framed for it to go on the wall of our living room.

"It's perfect!" She announces while looking at it with pleasure.

"Everybody will be here at 6, I just told them that you got a promotion or something and that we're celebrating." She continued.

"Ok, can't wait!" I reply while getting something from the fridge.

Later that evening...

Kurt and Mercedes were the first to show up. Rachel had made and bought all this food for tonight, I could tell she was really excited for everybody to find out.

"Congrats Finn on the promotion!" I heard Kurt say to me.

"Thanks!" I reply then getting the door.

I see Santana and Brittany at the door dressed appropriately for once.

"Hey, Frankenteen. Me and Brittany brought some food, it's pasta." She says making her way to the kitchen and placing a bag on the countertop.

"Santana, you don't have to call Finn that. We aren't in high school anymore." She says laughing and taking the pasta out of the bag.

Eventually Sam, Artie, Tina, and Mike also get to the party when Kurt lets out a loud scream.


I look at Rachel and we both go running into the living room where we find everybody staring at the sonogram picture.

"Surprise!" We both yell in unison.

"Oh dear lord, how far along are you?" Kurt yells .

"About 4 weeks!" Rachel yells excitedly.

"Looks like Frankenteen did have to balls to knock you up." Santana says hitting me playfully on the shoulder.

Everyone laughs and congratulates me and Rachel. I hug her tightly around the stomach.

"I'm so excited for our little blob." She whispered.

"Yeah, me too babe. You know eventually, it won't be a blob." I wink at her.

She responds with a kiss then returns to everybody ready to eat.

"Any baby names, yet?" Artie asks out of the blue.

"Uhm..not really. Any suggestions?" Rachel asks everybody.

A bunch of different names were shot at us but none really stuck out.

After an hour or 2 later, everybody started to leave which left me and Rachel alone...with our baby of course.

"Did you like any names?" I ask hesitantly.

"Not any that I liked but I do have one in mind..."

Beginning & EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora