Chapter 4 So much unknown

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The first three periods of the day were so boring. All anyone was talking about was this feisty, hot new girl who pushed Eric out in the parking lot just for asking her out. There was so much lust and jealousy floating around the school today that I was going crazy. Even the teachers were either felt either lust or envy towards this new girl. It was so obnoxious. Edward and I walked to lunch after English class complaining to each other about our days. He was in the same boat as me except he had to listen to the details of their fantasies to. I was silently grateful I could just feel the lust instead of hearing all the details. We walked into the lunchroom and it hit me like a tidal wave. All the lust and envy that is. Edward made a face of disgust as we joined our family at the table. Edward instantly wrapped himself around Alice and kissed her passionately.

"Please, please stop." I begged them. "I can't deal with anymore lust."

Emmett let out a loud booming laugh. "What's wrong, Jasper?"

"Every guy in this school is so freaking lustful for the new girl even the teachers!" I groaned.

"They all have sick minds! Dirty fantasies." Edward shook his head in disgust.

Emmett laughed even hard at our discomfort. "She can't be that hot."

At that very minute, the door opened. Everyone looked over at the same time as if practiced numerous times. Then she appeared. The most beautiful person I have ever seen. All I could tell she was wearing was the long black coat that was buttoned with three big buttons and black knee-high high-heeled boots. Her long, wavy brown hair cascaded down her back. Her pale skin contrasted brilliantly with her chocolate brown eyes.

I felt my own lust rise in my body as I stared at her. She scowled at everyone who looked at her. Her eyes fixed into a glare as if it were stuck that way as she gracefully glided to an empty table and dropped her bag with a heavy thud.

"I could be wrong." Emmett mumbled. I heard Rose slammed him hard on the back of the head. "Ow, Rosie you know you are the hottest woman ever."

"Jazz." Alice called me. "Jasper!"

"Huh?" I snapped back to reality and looked at her.

"Oh my god, you think she's pretty!" She squealed.

"Yeah, he does." Edward grimaced causing me to glare at him. "You should hear what he's thinking about her."

I ignored him and flicked my eyes up to the new girl. She was staring in our direction. Then it was like shock slapped her in the face. She rose quickly and dumped her tray. Grabbing her bag, she briskly yet oh so gracefully walked out. What the hell was that?

"What was that?" Rose asked.

"I don't know." I said still staring in the direction she left.

"Edward, did you get anything from her head?"

"No. Nothing."

"What was she thinking about?"

"No, I mean, I couldn't hear anything at all." His eyes were wide with shock as his own words seemed to register in his mind. This had never happened before except with a few select vampires who had a shield. But she was human!

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