Chapter 14: Shocked Speechless

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We stayed there for another hour just sitting there. He held me in his arms kissing the top of my head every so often. I was perfectly content staying there forever, but my stomach was disagreeing with me.

"You're hungry." He said.

"Yeah." There was no use lying to an empathetic vampire I guess.

"Come on, let's go get you something to eat." He said standing up pulling me with him. I sighed and nodded not really wanting to leave this perfect bliss. He grabbed my hand, and we took off running through the woods back towards his house. I could only imagine what awaited for us there. We were back in the yard in a matter of minutes.

I heard Emmett yell, "The lovebirds are back!" Damn vampires.

We walked up the porch steps to the front door only to have the door fly open. The smiling faces of six really annoying vampires greeted us. Alice squealed at the sight of our intertwined fingers.

"I'm so happy!" She screamed nearly throwing me down the steps when she jumped at me. I hugged her back laughing lightly. She moved to hug Jasper as everyone else moved to hug me as if they had formed a line. They offered us their congratulations before Esme whisked me away to the kitchen as Jasper was taken away by Emmett. She physically couldn't stop smiling.

"I'm so happy for you two. You make such an adorable couple, Bella." I smiled as she rambled about how she had a feeling about me. It warmed my heart to hear that she thought of me so highly. She fixed me some dinner and set it down in front of me to eat just as Jasper walked in. He smiled at me and kissed my temple as I took a bit of chicken. I noticed Esme slip out of the kitchen quietly to give us some time alone.

"That looks disgusting." He whispered in my ear.

"I'm sure your meals don't look all that appetizing either." He chuckled as he sat down beside me.

"How long can you stay?"

I shrugged. "I don't have much to do tonight other then maybe sleep."


"I don't have to sleep if I don't want to. It's more of a luxury." I told him. He nodded and gave me a confused look. I knew he was curious and he had every right to be, but he was also trying to hide it and respect my wishes. And for that I was grateful, but it was getting to be time I told them. It wasn't fair to keep them in the dark for so long like this.

"What are you thinking about, Babe?" He asked running his fingers through my hair.

"I'm thinking that we need to have a talk." I said quietly before standing and taking my plate to the sink. I washed it quickly before returning to his side. He seemed a little scared over what I had said. I intertwined my fingers with his and pulled him to the empty living room. I sat him down on the couch as he eyed me nervously and took the seat beside him. "Can everyone come here for a few minutes, please?" I spoke normally knowing everyone in the house would hear me.

Alice was the first there looking torn over whether she should be worried or excited. "Something wrong?" She asked quickly as Edward walked up behind her. I heard Emmett's heavier footsteps on the stairs, and he appeared with Rosalie thrown over his shoulder in an instant.

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