Chapter 6 Avoid Me

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The next morning, I woke up, showered, dried my hair, and put on make-up. I decided to wear a pair of dark skinny jeans, my favorite dark blue halter top, and my black heeled boots. I ran downstairs, grabbed an apple and my long black coat, and hurried to my car at human speed.

Ever since I woke up earlier that morning, I couldn't shake a sinking feeling in my stomach yet the excitement I felt every time I thought of Jasper. I sighed heavily as I pulled into the parking lot. How did I get myself into this mess? How could I be so careless to let my guard down, even for a minute, to a vampire of all people? Ever since my uncle's death, I have been able to keep harmless humans out of my life, but a vampire, one of the only things that could kill me, managed to find a hole in the walls I had built up and managed to squeeze through. I'm so screwed.

I climbed out of my car and grabbed my bag. Scanning the parking lot, I didn't see the silver Volvo even though class was going to start in five minutes. Every other car in the lot had been there the day before. Was he not there today? Just as I was about to walk into the building, I heard the distinct rumble of a motorcycle. I had one of my own by in Boston that hadn't yet been shipped over. I turned to see who it was since nobody had a motorcycle the day before. A felt a twinge of hope in the pit of my stomach. The engine cut as the driver put down the kickstand. As soon as I saw his blonde curly hair, I felt a smile pull at my lips. He saw me and raised a hand to wave at me smirking slightly. I smiled back and waved a little before turning and heading to class.

It took forever for lunch to finally roll around. I was one of the first out of history before Mike could invite me to sit with him. I dropped my stuff at the table and went to get my lunch before returning to the empty table I had sat at the day before. I had only been sitting there ten minutes when I felt someone standing over me. I glanced up from my salad that I was staring at. Jasper flashed a smile.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all." I smiled back at him. He took the seat directly across from me and set his small lunch down in front of him. "Where's your family?"

"Carlisle has a few days off and offered to take us camping, but I had a history test today. I might join them later, but I had to come today." He told me. I wondered if it was the truth or just a cover story.

"Sounds like fun."

"It is. Do you camp?"

"My uncle used to take me every once in awhile." I told him internally shuddering at the memories. He nodded.

"How'd unpacking go?"

"It was okay. I got my room done." I shrugged.

"Did you do it by yourself?" I nodded. "Your parents didn't help."

"Um, I live by myself."

"You do?" He seemed surprised by it. "I didn't think you were much older than seventeen."

"I'm not, but shit happens and you have to readjust." I shrugged.

"What happened… if you don't mind me asking?"

"Ah, no, it's fine. Um, my mother died when I was eleven. My father died when I was a few weeks old. I lived with my aunt and uncle ever since. My uncle died in Iraq a couple years ago. I eventually realized I was hurting my aunt by sticking around and decided it was time to get out of Boston. But Boston is the only place my aunt feels close to my uncle, so I forced her to stay. She and my uncle owned a house here in Forks a long time ago, so I moved in." I tried to sound indifferent throughout the whole story, but I don't think I hid the emotion very well especially since he's a vampire who could hear a pin drop.

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