Chapter 15 Never Doubt Us

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This isn't possible. Every rational thought told me that we couldn't get humans pregnant. And yet there sitting in front of me was Bella, a product of just that. I could feel everyone's shock radiating off them and onto me. I could feel Bella's insecurities coming at me at full force, but I couldn't find my voice to say anything. It was a lot of information to process. There wasn't any part of me that was repulsed by the idea, only dumbfounded. I felt a terrible guilt weighing down on me when she ran out of the house. I loved her and what she had just told us didn't affect that in any way. I just wasn't sure what to say to take her insecurities away. She was in fact, as she had told us since she admitted to not being human, an unrealistic enigma in the vampire world. It was a lot of information to digest. I felt terrible for not offering her condolences when she needed me to do so but I could hardly begin to wrap my head around this information. But she needed to know I love her more than anything regardless of what she was, so I stood and ran out after her without a word to my family.

By the time I made it to her house, I could hear her faint cries from her room on the top floor. I climbed the tree I had spent many nights sitting in and pushed her window open. She jumped up startled by the almost inaudible creak that the window let out. I jumped in before she could protest. She stared at me through tearful eyes but said nothing to either protest or welcome my presence. I cautiously walked closer to her gauging her reaction with every step.

"Jasper." She whispered. Hesitance was laced within her voice, and it killed me knowing that my moment of silence had caused it. She pulled the blanket higher on her body when I got to her bedside. I carefully reached down and stroked her warm cheek. She shut her eyes only for a second before pulling away. "Please don't." She whispered. Her voice was heartbreaking.

"Bella, please listen."

She looked at me as tears threatened to fall. "What do you want, Jasper?"

I sat down on the bed and pulled her into my arms. She fought against me, but I refused to let her go. Finally she gave up and buried her face in my neck. "I love you and always will. I told you not to doubt that."

I felt her hot tears against my skin. "You weren't saying anything." She sobbed.

"I was just shocked, darlin'. I will always love you. I promise you that." I held her as she cried for a long while without saying a word.

"You shouldn't be here, Jazz." She sniffled as she pulled her head away from my neck.

"Where else would I be?"

"I told you, Jazz. I'm unstable. God knows what will happen in a couple months."

"We're going to be fine no matter what happens. I'm not going anywhere." She relaxed against my chest and shut her eyes thinking about something. "You should sleep."

"I don't have to sleep, remember?"

"I know, but you've had an exhausting day."

She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Will you stay with me?"

I couldn't help but smile as her eyes shinned with hope. "There's nowhere I'd rather be." She smiled then a look of uncertainty crossed her face. "What's wrong?"

"Would it be wrong if I kissed you? I mean, I don't want to push you. It's a lot to digest all at one time, so you don't have to… if you don't want to…" I smirked at her little mini-ramble and cut her off by pressing my lips against hers. I kissed her slowly and ran my tongue along her bottom lip hoping she'd allow it. She opened her mouth and allowed my tongue to slip past and into the pure heaven that was her mouth. I felt her fingers run through my hair as she pulled me closer to deepen the kiss. After a few moments, she pulled back breathing heavily.

"I love you, Bella." I kissed her forehead as her breathing returned to normal.

"I love you too, Jazz." I lied down beside her and got situated under the covers. Her body heat radiated off of her as she curled up beside me resting her head against my chest. It wasn't long until she drifted off to sleep.

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