Chapter 9 Unproductive Conversations

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Just as I promised, I found the house with no problem as I could smell their trail the entire way as I sped down winding roads that led deep into the woods. I pulled up in front of the house and turned the car off. Jasper appeared in less than a second with a smile on his face. He was at my car door before I could even open the door.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hey." I returned the smile and got out. We walked up the stairs to the porch at human speed. He opened the door and led me in. He led me to a huge spacious living room. Edward, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie, and two vampires I didn't recognize sat there. Edward and Alice looked stressed and upset over something, but I decided now wasn't the time to ask.

"Bella, you know Edward, Alice, Rose, and Emmett. This is Esme and Carlisle, our parents. Esme, Carlisle, this is Bella."

"It's wonderful to meet you, Bella." Esme smiled a motherly smile.

"You too."

"Thank you for coming, Bella." Carlisle smiled.

"No problem." Jasper gestured for me to sit then sat down next to me. I crossed my legs and looked around. "You have a beautiful home, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen."

"Thank you." Esme said.

"When did you move here?" Carlisle asked me.

"Two weeks ago."

"With your parents?"

"No, by myself."

"Why are you here alone?" Esme asked with motherly concern.

"I can take care of myself."

"Where are your parents?" She still had a concerned look in her eyes.

"My mother died when I was eleven. My father died when I was a few months old. I never really knew him. I moved in with my aunt and uncle." I answered.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, dear." Esme said in a comforting tone.

"Thank you."

"Why didn't you stay with them?" Emmett asked.

"My uncle went off to Iraq a few years ago and was killed in war. I got in a lot of trouble. Jail here and there. Suspended from school often. Expelled three times. After I got expelled from my last school, I realized how much I was hurting my aunt and decided to move. The only place she still feels connected to my uncle is in Boston, so I didn't have the heart to ask her to come." I might as well tell them that much. I already told Jasper, so I might as well be honest about this. Jasper squeezed my hand comfortingly. I smiled at him, which he returned.

"Would you like to talk about… what you are?" Carlisle asked.

I sighed and stood walking around the living room looking at the things on the shelf above the fireplace. "I don't know. I'm sorry. You all seem very nice, but nature beats nurture every time." I looked around at their faces. "People like you don't understand people like me. I'm a… mystery to… everyone really." I chuckled humorlessly before looking around again. "Please understand that things are going to be changing soon, and I don't even know how. I could become dangerous to you all."

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