Chapter 12 I Hate You

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I didn't like the thought of her even being mildly 'sort of, kind of' attracted to Mike Newton. I fought the urge to go kill him right now. I noticed Bella roll her eyes amusement rolling off of her. I really did love her and had since I first saw her. And much like everything in our relationship, it was unexplainable how I could fall in love so quickly. But I guess me of all people should know to trust my feelings. But how she felt about me, I wasn't sure. I felt lust and love coming off of her among many emotions frequently, but if she was thinking about me, I don't know. And since Edward and Alice can't help in this case, I feel completely lost.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned my head to see Bella now standing behind me looking kind of concerned, kind of amused. I noticed that my entire family and most of the students had already left the cafeteria.

"Ready to go?" She asked with a smile on her lips.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I wasn't able to keep a smile from forming on my face as I looked at her. I stood up and grabbed my bag before following her out of the lunchroom. "Are you sure you are okay with coming over tonight?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I mean, I didn't want you to feel forced to come over."

She smiled. "Do you want me to come over?"

"Yes. Of course I do."

"Then I will." She smiled at me again. We walked into biology and took our seats. The teacher immediately began his lecture. His eyes would move to Bella every once in awhile. "I hate this guy. He's so gross." She said too low for human to hear.

"Yes he is." I grimaced, feeling another wave of lust coming off him.

We mumbled back and forth to each other too low for humans to hear the entire class. I don't even know what the teacher was talking about, but it's not like I haven't heard about it before. When the bell rang, we stood up at the same time and headed to the door.

Gym passed in a similar manner. We played volleyball on the same team and kicked the other team's ass, might I add. After the coach dismissed us, I jogged into the locker room and changed quickly then returned to the main gym. I only had to wait a minute or two for Bella to come out.

"Are you coming straight over, or do you have to stop home first?"

"I don't have anything to do at home. So whatever you guys want."

"You can come over right away. So how many cars do you have?" I asked when we stopped beside her Corvette. Every other day, she had driven a BMW.

"Four." She grinned as she leaned back against the car. "This, the BMW, a Porsche Boxster, and a Jaguar XF."

"Fast cars."

"I like to go fast." Wow, that could be so dirty. I found myself leaning closer to her. I wanted to kiss her so bad, but I wasn't sure how she'd react.

"Jasper! Bella!" Damn evil Pixie!

"Yes, Alice?" I nearly growled spinning around already glaring at her. She just grinned biting her lip to refrain from laughed.

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