Chapter 7 The Incident

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He wasn't at school the next day. I expected that, though, for two reasons. One, it was sunny. Two, he probably needed time to think. But when he got back, it began. The awkward feeling in the air, the lack of conversations, the pain written in both of our eyes… he was avoiding me. I understood that he had no idea how completely useless the whole ordeal was since I was just as indestructible as them and my blood had zero effect of them. He was trying to protect me. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt any less. I was mad at him, and oddly enough, he seemed to know that. I had lost the one thing in this crappy town that actually made me happy, because I wasn't quite sure I could trust his family of vampires with the fact I was half-human half-vampire. Simply because the one vampire who discovered this tried to kill me, because I was like a big puzzle to the vampire world, nearly nonexistent. And those who did exist hid themselves from vampires for the simple fact it was safer. Besides, we could pass off as a human much easier than a full vampire, so they might as well take advantage of it. And while nearly indestructible to anything and everything, I had no idea what venom would do to me. And they could pull me apart as easily as any other vampire. And I would die instantaneously from blood loss after one arm is off. There was no second chance for me. I didn't have to be burned to die. I couldn't spontaneously recreate myself. I would die as soon as they ripped off head.

Two weeks slowly and agonizingly passed. It actually hurt to see him on a day to day basis. How I managed to feel so strongly towards him after such a short time was still a mystery to me.

Walking into biology, I slipped off my jacket and hung it on the hook exposing my plaid miniskirt and black top. I walked into class and sat down next to Jasper moving my seat as far away from him as possible. He had his on the edge of his side of the table to seemingly giving me the space I desperately needed. I allowed myself my daily look at him. He didn't look too good. His eyes were darker than normal meaning he probably missed a hunt, which worried me. He looked in pain, too, but I couldn't decide exactly why. Crossing my legs, I turned my attention to the front of the room. Mr. Disgusting-Pervert was working at his desk. I sighed and began doodling on the side of my paper to keep distracted.

Eventually, the teacher began a lecture, and I took notes even though I could remember everything he said as soon as he said them. The dismissal bell ran, and I shot up from my chair. I heard Jasper's chair scrap back more slowly than necessary to keep up the human façade. I picked my bag and walked out grabbing my coat on the way. It wasn't far from the room that I heard his distinct light graceful steps following me towards gym respectfully keeping his distance. I got changed into my gym uniform and went back to the gym. He was already there staring off into space. Couch Clapp called out attention and told us we'd be playing volleyball. He grouped us off into fours and started our games before leaving to deal with a new problem.

Everything went downhill from there. Mike and Eric ran up the bleachers to stand on opposite ends of the highest steps with white balls in their hands. Everyone stopped to look curiously at them.

"One! Two! Three!" They chanted and kicked the ball in different directions. Mike, being to oh so delicate guy he was, lost his balance, tumbled backwards, and fell off the end of the bleachers. The whole gym went quiet as a distinct crack rang out loud enough for me to hear but too soft for human ears to pick up on. Then the smell of blood came at me like a tidal wave. My eyes shot to where Jasper. I was by his side in an instant since everyone's back was to us. My arms clasped like an iron cage around his body.

"Come on, Jasper. Let's go." He was growling like crazy thrashing around, but I wasn't about to let him go. I was just as strong as him, but he was putting up a good fight. "Stop fighting me, Jasper." I held him tighter pulling him towards the door. He didn't give up though. His fingers were clawing at my nearly unbreakable skin. "Come on!" I huffed and pulled him harder. We both stumble a little bit, but I didn't give him the chance to take advantage of it. His snarls were growing louder, but over all the commotion no human could hear him. "Let's go." I slowly managed to drag him to the door kicking it open without loosening my grip around him. Once outside, his thrashing didn't falter even a little bit. But now I didn't have the disgusting smell of blood bothering me, so I could focus my entire energy on him rather than not throwing up. "You can't do this! After all the shit that's been going on in the last two weeks, I'm not letting you do this to me." I grunted still pulling him towards the woods. "You can't do this to your family, Jazz. Think about them." I managed to get us to the edge of the woods before fatigue started to slowly creep in. I might be as strong as a vampire, but I was still part human and dragging a vicious, fighting vampire wasn't exactly easy. I didn't let my grip off him and continued to drag him along. When we were finally about a mile or two from the school where I could no longer smell the blood, amazingly only four minutes after the whole ordeal began, I pushed him to the ground and collapsed on top of him for two reasons. One, I had to make sure he stayed put. Two, I was exhausted. "Take a deep breath, Jasper." I said taking a few of my own. He was still rigid still stricken with bloodlust as I sat up placing myself on his stomach. I wasn't taking any chances.

Taking the sides of his face in my hands, I stared down at his face. "Breathe." He face was unchanged. His jaw still tight. His eyes dark with hunger. His nostrils flaring. Snarls still erupting from his mouth. His teeth flashing at me every few moments. "Damn it, Jasper, if you don't breathe, I'll kill you myself."

"Get off of him!" A loud roar came from behind us. I jumped nearly falling off him. He tried to take advantage of this and get up, but I pushed him back to the ground with a loud thud.

I glanced over my shoulder to see Jasper's family: Edward, Alice, Emmett, and Rosalie glaring at me bearing their teeth. I decided not to show my fear even though I was up against five of the only two things that could end me: vampires, one of which was very thirsty for blood.

I rolled my eyes at them. "Shut up." I flicked my eyes back to Jasper, who was slowly starting to calm down, but I didn't move from where I sat on top of him.

"I said get off of him!" Edward yelled.

"You seriously want me to get off of him. Because it'll end badly for you, not me." I didn't mention the fact that yes; it could end badly for me.

"What are you?" Alice said obviously forcing herself to stay calm.

"Bella?" Jasper's voice came. It was calmer now, not as threatening.

"Are you calm enough for me to get off you now?" I asked him. He nodded. I stood up off of him and extended my hand. He looked at it then back to my face.

"Bella, what's going on?"

I sighed and walked over to a tree. I was still mildly aware of the fact I was up against four angry vampires, and one confused one. "Tell me what you remember, and I'll fill in the holes." I told him.

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