Chapter 5 Verbal Diarrhea

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I had been thinking of evil ways to get back at Mr. Disgusting-Pervert for nearly five minutes, so much so I felt disconnected from the world. That is not something you want to be when you have to be constantly aware of your actions to be sure you aren't moving too quickly to seem human. I stopped my train of thought and sighed. That's when I noticed someone was beside me. I glanced over and froze when I saw Jasper Hale, the way too gorgeous for his own good vampire from lunch. He was even hotter up close. Way, way too hot. I snapped out of it. He's a vampire! At any moment he could snap, or he could find out what I am. Neither of those things would be good. But I couldn't help but stare at his amazing gold eyes.

"Hi, I'm Jasper Hale." My heart melted. His voice was so smooth like honey with a hint of a southern accent mixed within. Just another thing to add to the list of things that made him so unbelievable desirable.

"Bella." I managed to get out. I felt the corners of my lips curl up into a small smile. Oh god, this is bad. Way, way bad! I shouldn't be talking to him. I shouldn't be looking at him. I shouldn't want to jump him right here and now! This was bad, so bad. Like it could end my life bad.

"How do you like Forks?" He asked.

Should I answer him? Or should I brush him off like all the other guys who've tried to talk to me today? But he wasn't just some other guy! He was god-like. He was amazing. He was Jasper Hale! And he's a vampire. Damn it. "It's alright. I'm still getting used to it." Why can't I stop talking to him?

"Where are you from?" He asked.


He looked like he was about to say something but Mr. Disgusting-Pervert cut him off. I sighed heavily. I shouldn't want to talk to a vampire. I should be avoiding him like a plague. But I can't seem to help myself. After five minutes, I couldn't help but look over at him. He was leaning over his book watching me from the corner of his eye. As soon as our eyes met, his quickly flicked his eyes back down to his book. I smirked a little and went back to taking notes about cellular anatomy even though I already studied it in Boston, but I needed a distraction. Halfway through the class, the teacher told us that he had nothing else to teach today, and we could work on our homework or talk quietly. I was already almost done with my homework when he told us this, so it only took another couple of moments to finish it. I could feel Jasper's eyes burning a hole into me, so after I put my things in my bag, I couldn't help but look over at him. He smiled a crooked smile at me and angled himself to face me more.

"So, Bella, why'd you move to Forks?"

"Needed a change of scenery."

"So you fly across county from a big city to come to this secluded little town?" He looked slightly amused by it, but I wasn't about to tell him the complete honest truth.

"Things change." I shrugged.

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I am." I scoffed. "What about you? How did you get damned to this dreary old town?" As if I didn't know. An isolated town with constant cloud coverage. Perfect conditions for people of his species to live in, especially if they planned to set up permanent residence.

He laughed a musical laugh that made my heart melt. "My dad got a job."

"Hardly seem like a place to offer a job good enough you'd want to leave anywhere for."

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