Chapter 3

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Ariana's POV
We started filming and Chris tried everything he could to make me laugh. He would make silly faces at me when it was time for my close ups and when we were doing fight sequences and one of us messed he would just start tickling me.
"CHRIS STOP!!!" I shrieked breathlessly. "I'm gonna pee myself!!" Chris' hands were flying all over me as he bear hugged me and ticked me. Eventually he stopped and the director called it quits. His exact words were "I get that it's the first day... but show up like you want to work tomorrow. Thanks." Which probably wasn't a good thing to have happen on your first day on set of your first Hollywood film. As I was stressing about what the director said, Chris came over to me.
"Ariana, a few of us are headed to the Blue Shamrock for some drinks. Wanna come?" Chris asked.
"Yeah that sounds super fun! Let me just grab my stuff." I replied with a smile.
Later that night we were all sitting around a table at The Blue Shamrock. Chris, Dave Batista, Halle Berry and a few of the crew members were just hanging out when a blonde girl who looked extremely familiar walked in and over to Chris. Before he knew what was happening she pulled his face to hers and had a short make-out session with him. I must have looked very shocked because Halle looked over and informed me that it was his wife Anna. I could almost see his enthusiasm that he'd had walked deflate as she joined us at the table.
"Where's Jack?" Dave asked.
"At my sisters house. She wanted to see him before her cruise around the world, and I wanted a night off." Anna chuckled.
As the night went on Chris got quieter and quieter. I saw him staring at me a few times but I just assumed it was the alcohol making me see things but just like how I thought he looked super guilty. I got a text from my roommate Juliet saying "Hey, lmk when you're coming home cause I have someone over ;)" I love her but sometimes I just wanna be allowed in my own apartment.
Slowly people started emptying out of the bar and soon all that was left was me Chris and Anna. I knew it would be a while before I got to go back to my apartment so I decided to just wait it out here. I was sitting at the bar when I heard someone come up next to me.
"Hey." Chris said softly. He had a few beers and he was tired so his voice was super husky. I couldn't help thinking about how hot it sounded.
"Hey. Where'd Anna go?" I asked.
"Home. Well... her sisters. She and I don't... live together anymore." Chris said as the bartender asked him what else he wanted. "Scotch on the rocks please."
Chris looked questioningly at me but I said I was fine with my Malibu.
"It didn't seem like you two were separated, earlier." I said.
"Yeah- we are trying to keep up appearances because we don't want any bad press for Anna's movie that's coming out next week, but... it's hard sometimes."
"I'm sorry. That must suck." I replied.
"It only sucks when you have to be in a fake marriage in front of someone you like." He said with a grimace. Did he mean me?
Chris' POV
     What am I doing? I haven't even officially divorced Anna yet. But I just can't get Ariana out of my head...
     "How long until you can tell people?" Ariana asked.
     "Probably two to three weeks." I said. She looked genuinely interested in my life and cared that I was in such a shitty situation. I swiveled my chair so that I could look at her. "Wanna get out of here?"
     "To where?"
     "I know this really nice pathway next to a lake and it's great for a nighttime walk. I usually go to clear my head. Wanna join me?" I asked. 
      "I would love that. Let's go." Ariana replied. I paid our tab and we made our way out to the black SUV we came here in.

My Guardian (A Chris Pratt Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang