Chapter 6

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     When I woke up my eyes were all puffy and sore. I had a huge headache and was super dehydrated. That's what you get when you stay up until 3am crying. I didn't know why I woke up until I heard my phone buzzing. 
     "Hello?" I picked up the call. I didn't even think of checking caller ID.
     "Hey girl! I already left for the gym, you didn't seem like you were up to accompany me, but I made you an omelette and it's in the microwave!" Juliet chirped over the phone. "When I get back we are going to the mall. You don't film until tonight which means today, you're all mine! Be ready to fill me in on what happened last night okay?"
     "Of course. Thanks, Jules." I said as I hung up the phone. I passed to the kitchen and scarfed down the omelette and then hopped in the shower. It felt amazing to have the hot watcher running down my back. I laid on my bed and took my phone out to see Chris Pratt posted on Instagram.

@prattprattpratt: @ariarijohnsonn really does hit hard during our fight sequences! Ouch!

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@prattprattpratt: @ariarijohnsonn really does hit hard during our fight sequences! Ouch!

I smiled and liked the photo. I was hoping for the official announcement but I didn't think that he would announce it on instagram! Then as I scrolled I saw Just Jared also posted.

@justjaredd: Has @annafaris been having an affair with her director? How does @prattprattpratt feel about this? They have been distant lately

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@justjaredd: Has @annafaris been having an affair with her director? How does @prattprattpratt feel about this? They have been distant lately... are we seeing as split coming???

I gasped and immediately called Chris. I could tell once he picked up the phone he had already seen the justjared post.
"Hey, how are you doing?" I asked.
"As good as I can be. I have another two days until we officially come out with it and I just want to get it over with. We've been separated for months... I'm ready to move on." He stated.
"I know... I'm so sorry that you're stuck in this situation. If you need anything you know I'm here for you right?"
"Yeah, Ari. I know. Thank you. Nick Offerman actually just called me and he and I are gonna go bass fishing at 11. So I'm actually really excited!" Chris said starting to get giddy.
"Good! You need to take your mind off of everything and nature usually works wonders for you." I smiled.
"How do you get me so we'll... we met like two months ago." He said laughing.
"I dunno maybe we just click..." I muttered.
"Probably cause we both were huge fans of each other before we even met."
"That is very true. I gotta go, Juliet is taking me to the mall for some girl time."
"Ewwww girl time!"
"Ewwww luring things into your boat and then gutting them with an admittedly really cool knife!"
"It is a cool knife! It's so badass!" He screamed. "Hey. Thank you for calling. I really appreciate it. I'll see you on set tonight! Bye, Ari." Chris sounded super sweet and sincere I just couldn't take it.
"Bye, Chris. Hopefully nature with Nick will do you some good." I said as I hung up. Time for the mall with Juliet.
Chris' POV
The post about Anna and her director didn't bother me as much as it usually would. I honestly think it's because the only girl I can even thing about right now is Ariana. When she called it made me so ecstatic. She sounded so concerned and caring and it really pulled at my heartstrings. I heard and knock on the door and let Nick into my house.
"Fishing gear is in the truck - you ready!" Nick said before even stepping over the threshold.
"OHHYEAHHH lets do this shit!" I exclaimed.
"You seem to be happy. I thought you'd be depressed cause if that post."
We made it to the truck before I said anything. "Nick, I know I should be angry and mad about Anna but... I'm not. I don't care, honestly. Yeah, it sucks. But I can't stop thinking about someone else. And that person pushed every thought of Anna out of my head completely. I don't know how she does it."
"Well, son. Looks like you may have found a girl who you want to keep around for a while... again" nick said with a smirk.
"Nick- not funny!!." I joked. "No but seriously. I don't know what to do cause she told me I can't make a move until I resolve this thing with Anna."
"You asked her?"
"Well I didn't tell her who it was about... just that it was a girl I may like."
Nick put his head in his hands. "Divorce made you dumb, son. She knows that it's her, or she thinks it's someone else and you ripped her heart out. Either way it's a loss for you."
"Wait really?" I thought about it and it made sense. "She called me this morning. To see if I was okay because of the post."
"Sounds like a keeper. Does this young lady have a name?" Nick asked.
"Ariana Johnson." Just saying her name made me giddy.
"The Ariana's Johnson?" Nick paused to think. "She's definitely a looker, and knowing that she cares enough to call you after seeing the post means that she's emotionally sound as well. You need to figure this thing out with Anna."
"I know, Nick. I know."
"But for the rest of the day there are three rules. One- No talking of Anna. Two- no talking of Ariana. Three- no talking. Let's just fish."
"Nick. Your Ron Swanson is showing." I joked as I casted my line. I looked out over the lake and decided once this fishing trip was over, I was calling Anna and telling her that I was going public with our divorce. Rather have a divorce scandal than a cheating one right? But for now. We fish.
I know that isn't how the divorce went in real life but I needed something to spice up the book a bit. Also I love Nick Offerman. Great guys hilarious actor. Thank you so much for reading and next chapter will be up soon!!

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