Chapter 5

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Chris's POV
Ariana and I walked onset and headed straight to hair and makeup. We heard someone laughing very loudly as we walked in and saw the one and only Chris Evans.
"Hey brother!" I said and hugged Chris. "This is the one and only Ariana. She's -"
"The star!" Chris (Evans) said pulling Ariana into a huge hug. I tried not to feel too jealous.
Ariana seemed to get super shy so I started talking to Chris as we both sat in our chairs for makeup. Chris (Evans) finished before we did and he left saying.
"Gotta go find zoey to run lines! Next time I see y'all- I'll hate you. Don't take it personally." He chuckled as he walked out.
"Isn't he a great guy? Ugh can't get enough." I said as I settled back into my chair. I looked over to find Ariana dead asleep in her chair. "How long has she been like that?" I asked me makeup lady.
"About twenty minutes." She replied. Once both of us finished we had about an hour until we had to be on set. I decided to take Ariana back to my trailer so she could catch up on rest. I mean it was my fault that she was up so late. I picked her up bridal style and walked to my trailer.
Ariana's POV
I began to wake up and had no idea where I was. I heard guitar playing and faintly heard someone singing along. On the foot of the bed I was in was Chris holding a guitar. I pretended to be asleep for a little bit just to hear him sing. He was really good.
"You have a wonderful voice..." I said softly.
"Woah! You scared me" Chris chuckled. "I didn't know you were awake!"
"How long do we have until we need to be on set?" I asked.
"30 minutes." Chris said with a smirk. "You're cute when you're asleep. Not so much when you're awake."
"Woooow" I said and crawled to the foot of the bed to punch him. I collapsed next to Chris so I was laying down on my stomach. Did he really just call me cute? "What do you wanna do for an hour?"
"I dunno we could run lines... or..." Chris leaned in almost as if he was gonna kiss me. But then all of the sudden he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Time to work out!!" He screamed.
"Put me down!" I yelled. "We can't work out we have to film!" Chris put me down and pretended to think.
"Then I guess we are gonna have to run lines." We ran lines until we had to film and then filmed for almost five hours. It was exhausting, but the director seemed to like me a lot more than he did yesterday.
"Hey, so the boxing club I go to is just around the corner and there's a 2:45pm class I am going to go to if you guys want to join?" I said to Zoe, Chris(Pratt) and Chris(Evans). They all agreed and we all went to a 60 minute boxing class. It was super fun and afterwards we went out to eat. Zoe and Chris (Pratt) seemed to be flirting a lot and I had a huge pit in my stomach from jealousy. I had no reason to though, but he did call me cute and almost kiss me, but he's still not officially separated from Anna.
"I'm gonna head home." I said around 6:45.
"Let me drive you!" Chris (Pratt) said, following me out. "Hey! Ariana! Are you running away from me?"
I stopped and turned towards him. "No you just walk slowly." I said snickering.
"I'm a bit sore- not gonna lie. Today was intense."
"You did say you wanted to work out..."
Chris laughed and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. We walked to the car and started driving home. We pulled up to my house and Chris parked the car. "I have a question, Ariana."
"What's up?"
"I just. I'm confused. Because I'm not officially apart from Anna until Monday which is two days from now- but if I wanted to kiss someone now, would it be wrong?"
My stomach turned into a thousand knots. I didn't know if he was talking about Zoe or me but either way I didn't think a relationship should start like that.
"Well, it's good that you're thinking of other people." I said as I saw a smirk grow on Chris' face. "And you should move on - god knows she already did." Chris had told me about the phone call and 'John'. As I was talking Chris was leaning closer to me. "But you also don't want to start a relationship while your past one is still relevant. That might be disrespectful to the girl." Chris' face immediately fell and it broke my heart. I couldn't stand seeing him like this, disappointed and frustrated. "Chris - you have to figure all of this shit out. For now, just focus on yourself." With every word that came out of my mouth I felt little pieces of my heart breaking off. Tears were threatening to spill down my cheeks but I pushed them down. "I have to go. But think about it." I said opening the door.
"Ariana?" Chris said as I was about to close the door. "See you tomorrow?" I nodded and shut the door. Once I got into my apartment I put my back to the door and slid down to the ground. My body began to rack with sobs. I couldn't believe I probably just ruined the only chance I had with Chris. When I closed my eyes all I could see were his deep green eyes. I didn't know why it was hitting me so hard. I only just met the guy a few weeks ago but we have become so close. I couldn't imagine my life without him and I just pushed him away as far as I could. God what is wrong with me??

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