Chapter 12

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Leah's POV


I am so excited for today! I am finally getting to hear my man sing! And not only that, but we are flying out to Boise for his concert tomorrow too!

Turns out all my nagging has finally paid off..

As soon as I woke up I packed my bag for the trip, we decided that we are gonna stay in Boise for a few days as a getaway trip before princess comes.

I packed enough for five days, which we probably won't be gone that long, but I always tend to pack too much, oh well.

I went to the mirror and decided to take a selfie for the first time in forever, and Parker came in and took one with me.

After I took my selfie and finished packing, I decided to get into the shower. I turned on Spotify and my favorite song came on. It was 'Rewrite the Stars' by the hunk Zac Efron and my girl Zendaya.

This movie is literally the best and my baby girl is going to be introduced to it when she's old enough!

It's so amazing, and the fact that everyone in the circus loves each other and their differences! Talk about family there. It really shows that that is how we should be living today. Equally and love each other no matter our differences.

I decided to take a shower before we left.

I got out of the shower 20 minutes later and I decided to put on light makeup even though my man's concert is in a couple hours. I went to my closet and put on a cute dress that went to almost my knees, and it hugged my body perfectly, and it showed off my big bump, which I love.

Parker then walked back into the room in a button up shirt, with a few undone, and jeans. How does he make everything look sexy!?

He came over and engulfed me in a hug which I gladly returned. He bent down and pecked my lips before leaning down and kissing my belly.

He's been kissing and talking to my belly a lot. I know he's excited for her to be here, and I know he's gonna be a good dad.

"Hey baby, you ready to go?" He asked grabbing our suitcases.

"Hell yeah! I can't wait to see your sexy ass out on that stage!" I said slapping his butt.

He turned around and gave me a playful glare.

We got to the venue 15 minutes later and we both got out and walked inside. There were a bunch of fans already here and there were bodyguards everywhere.

Parker grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him as we walked to the doors. He stopped a few times to take pictures with his fans and autographed pictures, notebooks, phones, and even there shirts.

Everyone was looking at me confused but also with happy faces. I waved to a few and they all looked so happy to be here.

We finally got inside and went backstage where I had to sit down. These last few months I haven't been able to stand up for too long. Probably because my princess is almost here and she's been pushing on my bladder making me have to pee every 10 minutes.

"Hey baby mama, ready to watch me rock?" Jordan, Parker's drummer, asked sarcastically.

"Shut it dude, she's obviously here for me!" Kevin said hitting him playfully.

The Jones Family (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang