Chapter Six - Oh My Gosh

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Chapter Six: “Oh My Gosh”

“Baby let me love you down. There’s so many ways to love you. Baby I can break you down. There’s so many ways to love you. Got me like oh my gosh, I’m so in love. I found you finally. You make me wanna say oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh my gosh…” – Varsity Fanclub (covering Usher’s song)


Dougie walked downstairs with a shit eating grin on his face. Danny and Tom gave him a weird look. All he did was grab a cup of coffee and sit down with them.

“What’re you smirking about?” Tom wondered.

“Man, I got laid last night,” he laughed, taking a sip.

Danny cracked up. “I should’ve seen that coming,” he commented.

“Well you know what, lucky for you,” Harry huffed, getting up.

He stormed out of the room, leaving his friends staring.

“Damn, what’s his problem?” Dougie asked.

“I saw him get a drink dumped on his head by that chick he was with last night. He must’ve done something to really piss her off because the look on her face was really scary,” Tom said.

“Sucks for him,” Danny said. “He’ll get over it. It’s not like she means anything to him.”

“How do you know that she doesn’t mean anything to him?” Dougie asked. “Nate means something to me.”

Tom and Danny were silent. They couldn’t believe that was coming out of Dougie’s mouth. Ever since his ex girlfriend broke his heart, he hasn’t gone for more than a one night stand.

“A-Are you serious?” Tom stuttered.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Cause…you know…”

He scowled. “I’m not going to let that bitch ruin my future love life.”

Tom put up his hands in defense. “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to hit a soft spot there. It’s just that I wouldn’t expect you to actually feel something for a girl you met at a club. I mean, usually you just fuck her and leave.”

“Just shut up man. Don’t you dare ruin my good mood,” he warned.

Everybody went silent, not bringing it up again.

“Guys, I really like this girl,” Aaron confessed to his friends. “I mean, with one kiss I almost got her to tell me her name!”

“You’re such a p*$$y,” Adam mumbled.

“Shut up man. Be happy for the guy,” Kieran said, punching his brother on the arm.

“Did you even get laid?” Adam asked.

“No, but why does that matter? I like her and I want to get to know her better.”

“Man, you’re wasting your time. I’m sure that a lay is all she wants. That’s what my girl wanted and she got it. That doesn’t mean we’re going to be spending more time together. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ll never see her again. It’s called a one night stand for a reason, man,” he pointed out.

“She isn’t a one night stand to me unlike that girl you were with,” Aaron hissed.

“You know, that sentence really doesn’t affect me. I knew it was going to be a one night thing with her and she knew it also. After all, you did warn her.”

“Whatever Adam. I’m not even going to try with you,” he responded, rolling his eyes.

Rachel awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs in the air. She travelled downstairs where all of the girls were already at.

“Hey Rach!” Ashlee exclaimed, smiling.

She smiled weakly. “Hi.”

“Come sit down and eat!”

She shuffled over to the table and took a seat. Grabbing some food, she ate in silence.

“Hey, what happened at the club last night with that guy?” Nate suddenly asked.

She scowled. “Let’s just say he was being a jerk and he pissed me off. I’m glad I didn’t get too attached to him. I can’t believe I’ve wasted all of these years crushing on a celebrity who turned out to be an asshole.”

“Oh come on, it couldn’t have been that bad! You guys were flirting and next thing I know, you’re pouring your drink over his head. Did your Rachel temper get the best of you?” Angel wondered.


“Sure it didn’t,” Alex laughed.

“Well I’m happy to hear that you guys had a fun time last night but some of us really don’t care,” Kylie spoke up.

“Damn, somebody is being a bitch this morning!” Ashlee said. “What’s your problem?”

“I don’t have a problem Ashlee. Now why don’t you shut your big mouth?”

“Just because you were a brat when you were younger and couldn’t see Tom last night because you don’t want him to know doesn’t mean that you have to be such a bitch!”

Kylie stood up fast, causing her chair to fall to the ground. All of the girls were staring, getting ready to jump in and save the day if this argument led to anything physical.

“All you want is a quick fuck! At least I actually care about Tom!” Kylie screamed.

“I care about Aaron! I’m not like Nate or Alex!” Ashlee shouted back.

“Are you saying that what we do is wrong?” Alex tested. “Because that’s what the guy I was with wanted also! Is it wrong to want to get laid once in a while? I’m not going to live as a nun, nor as a slut so stop comparing me to a slut!”

“Alright girls, you need to calm down right now,” Christina said, stepping in the middle of the triangle. “Sit down and finish your breakfasts.”

Ashlee huffed and ran off to her room. Kylie stormed out of the house, slamming the front door behind her. Alex sat down and ate her pancakes slowly. A tear escaped her eye.

“You’re not a slut,” Carissa reassured her and pat her back.

She shook her head and didn’t look up.


Hate? Like? Love?

All music belongs to Varsity Fanclub and all photos belong to their rightful owners. No copyright intended!


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