Chapter Seven - Here Comes Trouble

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Please read the authors note at the end!


Chapter Seven – "Here Comes Trouble"

“Here comes trouble again, I better act carefully. She knows what she's doing to me and she makes it look so easy. Here comes trouble again. My heart tells me to leave but a girl like that's on a different level. Here comes trouble, trouble, trouble…” – Honor Society


Kylie slammed the door behind her, frustrated with fighting with the girls. She got into her car and started it up, speeding down the road.

“What to do?” she asked herself.

She thought for a second and decided that she would go shopping for groceries. At a time like this, being this angry, anything else would be dangerous. She drove to the grocery store that just happened to be all the way on the other side of the town and exited the car.

She went inside of the store and grabbed a carriage, walking from aisle to aisle. While picking out the bread, she had not been thinking and put the carriage in the middle of the aisle, blocking everyone from getting through.

“Um, excuse me,” a voice said from her right.

She turned around and moved the carriage.

“Sorry,” she said, finally looking up at the person.

She froze when she saw who it was and so did he.

“Oh, hey!” he exclaimed.

“Uh, hi…” she trailed off.

“I didn’t see you at the club last night. I saw your friends though,” he said.

“Uh, yeah, I didn’t want to go. We had gone the other day so I didn’t feel like partying,” she replied.

“Oh, well, you missed an interesting night for sure. To be honest, I was looking forward to seeing you. We had some fun that first night and I thought maybe we could have a repeat of that,” he laughed.


“Eh, it’s alright. But make it up to me by coming out for coffee with me?”

“I mean, I would love to but I can’t. I need to buy a bunch of stuff for our flat and…”

“Take your time. We’ll go after you’re done! The groceries will be fine in your car. What do you say?”

She was quite hesitant, but she couldn’t turn him down. He was too cute. She’d just have to be careful about what she revealed to him while they were out for coffee.

“Okay, I’ll go out for coffee with you,” she sighed and smiled.

Tom turned around and pumped his arm back in a ‘YES!’ gesture. Now all he needed to do was get to know her.

Kieran was moping around the house and Ben was tired of it. He hated to see his friend all torn up over a girl. But that’s how it is when you’re young. You get too attached too fast. He would know. He’d been through that one too many times.

“Dude, you need to stop being such a loser,” he said, putting his arm around his friend. “She’s just a girl.”

“Yeah, a girl who I could see myself with. Man, she’s perfect. She’s my type of girl; shy, but not afraid to mess around with the boys,” Kieran responded.

“There are plenty of fans out there who are like that,” he pointed out.

“But they aren’t her.”

“Well maybe she’ll be at the club tonight. Why don’t you come and find out? I’m sure it won’t hurt. And if worse comes to worse, we’ll go home. Deal?”

“Can you call Justin and ask him to come? We can hang out if she doesn’t show.”

“Also if the girl he likes isn’t there, but sure, I’ll give him a call. That kid needs to get out more. He has no life. All he does is work!”

“True that. Now call him!”

Ben pat Kieran on the back and walked away, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He immediately dialed Justin’s number.

“Hello?” Justin answered.

“Hey man, what’s up?” Ben asked.

“Nothing much. Just working on a new song.”

He sighed. “Work, man, you need a break!” he exclaimed.

“I’ve had too many breaks going to the club with you.”

“No you haven’t. That’s why you’re coming again tonight,” he stated.

“Forget it, I am not coming. I told you the first time, clubbing isn’t my thing!”

“But Kieran wants you to go.”

Justin thought for a second. Kieran was such a good kid and he couldn’t say no to him. Guess he’s going tonight.

“Alright, I’ll come,” he exhaled.

“Great! I’ll see you there around 8!”

“Okay, bye,” he said.

Oh god, what had he gotten himself into? But just the thought of possibly seeing ‘V’ again had him ready to take on the world.

After everything had gone down in the house, Christine decided that they all needed to let loose. Although she didn’t want to risk going to the club and seeing Danny again, she knew she had to for the sake of her friends.

She managed to convince them all to go, although Kylie still wasn’t back from wherever she had gone. But Christine wasn’t worried. Kylie was a big girl and she could make her way home.

At 8:30 they pulled up to the club and parked the car. They were ready to have some fun tonight, whether it was drinking or flirting with some hot guys.

When they entered the club, everything seemed to stop. All eyes were on them and she could practically see all of the guys drooling. It was actually kind of gross. But when her eyes fell on that one guy who had pleasured her the first night here, they lit up. She might be afraid of him finding out about her past, but that wasn’t going to stop her from being happy for the first time in a long time.

Danny smiled at her and Dougie put his arm around him.

“Here comes trouble man,” he whispered in his ear.

Oh yeah, here comes trouble alright.


Once I started writing this chapter, I was on a roll! Lol. I was stuck at first, but now I’m okay! I don’t know how many chapters this is going to have, but I have a feeling it’s going to be slow. Right now, that appears to be how it’s going!

If you get the chance, please check out my newest story “Faith, Hope, And Love”. It’s about a plus sized girl struggling through life with parents who don’t care and complete assholes of an ex-boyfriend and a brother. I’m only on the second chapter and it’s going to have irregular uploads, but I’m hoping that people will give it a chance!

Hate? Like? Love?

All music belongs to Honor Society and all photos belong to their rightful owners. No copyright intended!


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