Chapter Eleven - Heart Hotel

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Chapter Eleven – “Heart Hotel”

“In my heart hotel, I’ll be your room service. You can ring my bell. No one will disturb us. And there’s always a vacancy only for you in me. In my heart hotel. In my heart hotel. Oh oh oh…” – Drew Ryan Scott


Rachel made her way through the park with her iPod plugged into her ears. She was in the moment, jamming away to one of her favorite songs which she was ashamed to admit was by McFly. You’d think that after the fight with Harry she wouldn’t like them. But no! She still loved them!

Harry. What an asshole. He sure knew how to piss her off and get on her nerves. She was about to punch him in the face that night. That’s what he gets when he gets her all worked up.

Suddenly someone slammed into her, automatically knocking the good mood away. She looked up from where she fell and scowled at the person. He scowl deepened when she saw who it was. It was that asshole she was just unconsciously thinking about.

“You should really watch where you’re going,” she said, getting up.

“I believe that it was your fault, sweetheart,” he replied, chuckling.

“Call me sweetheart again and see what happens,” she said through clenched teeth.

“What’re you gonna do? Pour your drink over my head again? Oh, wait, you don’t have a drink right now! Look at that!”

“I’m five seconds away from punching you in the face so you better back off.”

He laughed. “Yeah, like a shrimpy little blonde like yourself would ever throw a punch.”

She brought her arm back and clocked him one right in the nose. His head snapped back in surprise and he gripped his nose. She hadn’t hit hard enough to break it, but hard enough to make it bleed.

“Son of a bitch!” he cursed. “What the hell!”

“Shows you what a ‘shrimpy little blonde’ like myself can really do. Never underestimate me,” she growled.

“Dammit! I think you broke my nose!” he yelled.

“Nah, I didn’t hit hard enough. You’ll be okay once you get some napkins and apply some pressure. You might want to ice it later. Otherwise you’re going to have a really swollen nose to deal with. Anyways, I guess I’ll see you later?” she asked coolly. “Well, I hope not but bye!”

She turned to walk away but stopped when she heard him yell, “Wait!”

“What do you need?” she wondered, turning around.

“Do you maybe have some napkins?” he asked.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. “No, but my flat is right down the road. I guess I can bring you and patch you up.”

“Thank you!” he exclaimed and followed me to the girls’ and my apartment.

When we got inside, I instantly grabbed the paper towels and tossed them to him. While he applied pressure, I put on some medical gloves and grabbed a washcloth to clean up the blood that had gotten all over him. A few minutes later, the bleeding had stopped and he was just sitting there while she cared for him.

“Thank you,” he said again.

“Don’t think this means I like you,” she told him.

“I didn’t mean to make you dislike me. I just made a stupid ass comment. I don’t think your thoughts are stupid. You were right on when you were taking about most celebrities. They usually see fans as groupies and as quick and fast fuck.”

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