Chapter 4- Cold!

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I followed Rin to what looked like the oldest building on campus.

"202, this is your dorm. Start unpacking, then study" Rin said, walking past me.

He walked into room 201 and slammed the door behind him. I went into my own room. I went to the cleaner, left side and put my bag on the bed. My suitcases were already sitting next to my bed. I unpacked and went to study at my desk.

After studying (and goofing around, procrastinating), I was wondering around looking for the kitchen. My brain hurt from so many details about spirits and demons. Huh? I followed my nose to a dining hall. Two meals sat wait on one of the tables. I sat down and started eating. I remembered Rin telling me that we were the only ones in the building, so that must be his. I put my empty tray on the counter and picked up Rin's.

I knocked on his door but no answer. I opened the door and looked around. I found him asleep at his desk. I put the tray down and went to wake him. Rin looked kinda cute and innocent, unlike his usual smirk or furrowed brow, while he slept. I stopped dead, seeing my name on a paper under Rin.

'By order of the Knights of Brightcross, you are forbidden to tell Misaki Tsuri of her origins. The demon slaying blade must not be drawn. If any of these events take place, it will result in execution by Paladin....' I was unable to read any more.

"Misaki?" Rin had opened one eye, looking at me.

"Sorry, but I brought you some food." I said, picking up the tray.

Rin sat up and looked down at the paper under him.

"So, you saw it?" he asked. I nodded. "Execution for me will mean execution for you. I'm the only thing standing between them and you. He can rot in hell before I let him get near you." Rin growled.

"Who?" I asked, curiously.

I was scared but I felt safe at the same time. Rin seemed like he would go to any length to protect me. But it was a little strange, because Rin acted like the cool, distant type.

"No one, it doesn't matter." he said.

He looked away but I could see pain in his eyes.

Rin's phone rang and Rin quickly answered it.

"Shinigami here. Yes.....Yes......I, it's not a problem......bye."

"What's up?" I asked.

"The other cram school students are moving in tomorrow. Someone brought a coaltar into a dorm, so they think it would be best to keep you guys in a less populated area." Rin said, turning to me.

Rin stared at me, making me uncomfortable. I turned to leave.

"You still hear them, don't you?" Rin asked.

I stopped. I felt as if my chest was constricting.

"How do you know?" I asked quietly.

"I know more about you than you think. You can still hear them yelling and screaming, you hate when people stare at you because you remember them staring at you in hate and fear." he replied.

"I'm just going to get some sleep." I said, leaving.


I was jerked awake by Rin throwing a pillow at me.

"Ahh! What you want?" I grumbled.

"Get up. I got called in, so I want you up and studying." Rin said, pulling my blanket.

"Hey! That's cold! So, what kinda call is this?" I asked.

Rin sighed and said, "A spirit has been causing trouble, so they want me to step in. Before the spirit gets hostile."

"Really? Take me with you!"

I tried to fight my way out of the tangled blankets.

"If you promise not to do anything stupid and do as I say. But, you have ten minutes or I'm leaving you here." Rin said, almost reluctantly.

"Yay, now get out." I said shoving Rin out the door.

"I'm ready, let's go." I said, coming out the door.

With one sword on my back and one on my hip, I was ready for anything.

"Exactly ten minutes? How?" Rin asked in surprise.

"You've obviously never been to school in America." I said, smirking.

Rin and I walked through the campus, girls staring at us the whole time. Many stared at me in hate and envy. It made me feel uncomfortable and small. A hand went over my eyes causing me to stop.

"You don't have to let them put you down like that. Think of it as a win, all of these girls are jealous of you." Rin said.

He walked away with his usual indifferent look. Rin was hiding a soft side, one maybe only I had seen. That thought came with a strange feeling deep inside my chest.

We left the campus and were on the streets soon. After walking a block or two, Rin pushed me as we came to a park. He caught me before I hit the ground and ducked behind an overturned picnic table. Three men, all wear the shinigami crest, sat behind the tables. On the other side was a giant hissing black cat.

"Shinigami! Thank god you're here." one of the shinigami said, "It looked like a normal cat but when we got closer, well you can see. We tried tranquilizing darts but it's only seemed to slow it down a little."

Suddenly I heard a little boy's voice.

"Come on, please. Come play with me. It's been so long since anyone's played with me. Please, come play a game with me."

I looked at the others but they didn't seem to hear it. It was the cat, I knew it. It was a kitten, a lonely one at that. I went to move out from behind the table but Rin grabbed my wrist, startling me.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

"Please, trust me. I think I know what's going on. Please Rin, believe in me." I said.

He held my wrist for another minute before letting go. I moved out in front of the cat.

"Hey, kitty. You want to play a game, right? I bet you can't catch me." I said.

The kitten roared as I ran to the side. I dodged through trees until I ran out. I scrambled up the last tree with the kitten right behind me. It scratched at the tree just below the branch I sat on. The kitten started getting smaller until it was a normal size. It climbed up the tree and pounced on me. I caught the kitten and climbed down the tree. Rin was next to me in a second. The kitten hissed and dove into my jacket.

"I don't wanna move on, you can't make me. I want to stay with you and play. Please don't make me leave." it said.

"Don't worry, I can't. You've become Misaki's familiar. You don't have to move on." Rin said.

The kitten poked his head out of my jacket.

"Really? Yay! My name's Rokura." it said, climbing onto my shoulder. Rokura rubbed his head against me cheek, purring.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked Rin.

"We have to go to cram school." Rin said walking away.

I noticed the table where Rin was, was cracked as if he held on too tight. I shrugged it off and followed Rin.


A/N- So how fo you like the chapter? Sorry this is late, schools comkng up and I was doing last minute preparation. Would any of you want a Rokura? FYI, I think I forgot to mention that he's a black cat, sorry I didn't realize that. Okay, bye for now.

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