Chapter 17- A Mother's Request

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I opened my eyes and immediately shut them again. It was so bright. After a moment, I adjusted to the brightness. Everything was white but I could see no people. Didn't I die? Where am I? I looked down. I was wearing a white shirt and jeans. I lifted my shirt up to look at my wound but there was nothing there. No wound, no scar.

"Ah, you're awake, my dear."

I turned around to see a beautiful woman in a white dress.

"Where am I? Who are you? I thought I died." I asked frantically.

"Come, have some tea with me. I will answer your questions." she said.

She motioned to a glass table with a white tea set on it. She turned and walked to the table. I followed her slowly. I sat on the other side of the table and looked at her closely. She had beautiful clear green eyes, long flowing black hair, and a smile on her lips. She looked up at me, her gaze soft.

"I see why they love you so much. My younger son, more than the other." she said.

"Who are you? Are you talking about Rin and Ratio?" I asked.

"Yes, they are my sons. My two beautiful boys. I am your namesake. Your mother heard of me through Rin. Your mother was very special to Rin, just as you are. Not the same of course, Rin thought of your mother as a sister. But you, he loves." she explained.

"Okay, now where am I? I died, didn't I?" I asked.

"Yes, you died. That's why you're here. We are in the outskirts of the upper world. You cannot full enter the upper world due to your demon blood. At the same, you cannot enter the demon world because your human soul is too pure. You can go back to the human world once your body has healed. In this way, you will live forever. You can still die but once your body heals, you can always go back."

"So, I'm dead but my soul is still alive. My body will repair itself and I can go back. Right?" I questioned.

"Only if you want too."

I nodded. I think I understand. This world was for dead human souls but my demon was repelled by it. I couldn't go to the demon world because my soul was too pure. I could live forever. A single thought over took my entire brain.

I could stay with Rin, forever.

"How do you know so much about me?" I asked.

"Because I've been watching you." she replied.

She waved her hand and a screen opened. It showed me, pale and laying on a hospital bed.

"How do you do that?"

"You can do it here too. You may not be able to sustain it the way I can but you can do it." she said.

A clear bell rang from somewhere.

"Oh dear, it seems I must go. Your body should heal soon enough. And I have a request, a mother's request. When you return, please tell my boys how much I miss them and love them." the other Misaki said.

"I will."

She smiled and turned. She disappeared like ash in the wind. I waved my hand, a screen appeared just like Rin's mother's.


I saw Ratio leaning against the wall next to my unconscious body.

"Damn, you're so much trouble for one little girl. I've never seen Rin fall apart like that. And I never felt like that before. It's like my heart hurt, physically hurt." he said.

He put his face in his hands. He sighed and looked at me.

"We all need you Misaki. Please come back to us."


The screen fizzled as I lost it. I tried again but the time seemed different.


Harumi was sitting at my bed side, holding my hand as tears streamed down her face.

"Misaki, I don't care what you are, just please come back. You may be a demon but you're different. You're kind and caring and you protected us. I'm so lonely without you. I'm sorry I pushed you away, I was just nervous because....I really like you. I know it's not normal but I like you as more that a friend. You respected me even though I was mean to you and you said I was strong even though you beat me. I miss seeing your sleeping face, your smile when the trio do something stupid, the way you try to help me, and the way you always compliment me when I lose to you. Please, even if you're not mine, I still want you here."


The screen fizzled again. Harumi, I never knew she felt like that. But that did explain some of her behavior. I'll get back to you Harumi, I promise. I tried again.


The trio stood around me. Reika was crying, Izumi holding her close.

"Reika, it'll be okay. If we know Misaki, she's probably kicking some ass trying to get back to us." Izumi said, trying to comfort Reika.

"Yeah, she's on her way back to us. If not, she's coming back as a spirit. If you keep crying Reika, she's going to kick your ass. She wouldn't want us to sit here crying over her." Haruki said.

Reika nodded and wiped her eyes. Haruki looked at my body.

"You better get back here soon Misaki." he said.


I'll be back soon, and Haruki's right. I will kick your ass if you keep crying Reika. I tried again, looking for the person I gave my life for.


I did find him. He was falling apart, just like Ratio said. He was holding on to me, crying.

"Please come back to me. I will go to hell and back to get you. Please Misaki, I love you."

Rin..Rin....said he loved me. I love you too, Rin. I promise I'll come back to you. And then we can be together forever. I'm coming as fast as I can. I will never let you go again.

Rin kissed my forehead, a tear running down his face. He pulled back, a had on my cheek. He smiled, but it was pained.


I looked at my hand. It was starting to dissolve. I must be going back to my body. I closed my eyes and suddenly the smell of disinfectants hit my nose. An annoying beeping was going off near my head. That must be the heart monitor.

"Reika, we all miss her but, I'm not sure if she's going to make it." I heard Kazuma say.

"Hey, don't write me off yet." I said in a scratchy voice.

I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the light. Everyone looked at me in shock.

"Katsu, go get Rin and Ratio." Haruki said urgently.


A / N - I'm so sorry! I meant to post but I got dragged to a skating thing. Anyway here it is and I'm sorry it's a short chapter. I kinda had writers block while writing this and it was kind of a filler chapter anyway. It will get better I promise. There's a new character coming up I know (even if you don't realize it) you you so want to meet. Okay, that's it so bye.

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