Chapter 16- I'm Sorry

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"Oh how sad, my own daughter doesn't recognize me." he said with a smirk.

"Dammit, I didn't think he'd come so soon." Rin muttered.

"Misaki, this is your dad?" Reika asked me.

"Stay back!" I yelled at them.

"Misaki, don't be so rude. I'd love to meet your friends. But of course, they already know who I am. Allow me to put on my work uniform." the man said.

He burst into bright purple flames. I guess it was a family trait. Reika screamed and everyone moved back into the corner.

"You bastard! You stay away from my friends!" I yelled at him.

I leveled my non demonic sword at him. I was not going to let him anywhere near them.

"Onee-chan..." Rokura sounded scared.

I looked back, all of my friends scared faces focused on the man by the door. I moved in front of them, Ratio and Rin on either side.

"Why are you here?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"To take you home, my child. And for some revenge." he replied.

His once calm eyes, now with burning hatred, turned on Rin.

"You. You took everything from me! You killed my love and stole my child! I will make you pay!" he bellowed.

He lunged at Rin, claws extended. Rin blocked him but it was obvious Rin would be overpowered soon.

"I never killed her! In hundreds of years, she was my favorite student. How she listened to the demons and spirits without just attacking them blindly. I didn't kill her, I sent her to America." Rin said in a strained voice.

"You're lying!" my father growled.

I had no choice, I had to do it. Rin will be overpowered in less than a minute. I looked back at my friends, their scared eyes on me.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me." I said.

I unwrapped my tail from around my leg. I dropped my sword and reached for my other one. The second the blade was drawn from it's sheath, I burst into flames. Just like daddy, I thought sarcastically. My flames drew the attention of both Rin and my father.

"You've made the right decision. We'll return home as soon as I'm done with the Shinigami." my father said.

"Shut up." I said, walking towards them slowly. "As if I would ever be on your side. I became what I am to protect people, even if that means fighting you. And don't you dare....hurt my friends!"

I lunged at him, causing him to jump back away from Rin. I growled at him, standing in front of a weakened Rin. Ratio took my place in front of the class.

"Rin is telling the truth about my mother. She was one of us, that's how you met her, isn't? She wanted to protect people too. She survived your possessions because you made sure of that. You fell in love with her and had me. Now it's my turn to protect people." I said.

I lunged at my father, but his strength far exceeded mine. He grabbed my sword's blade. Using my momentum, I slid under him, ripping my blade out of his hand. I kicked his back, knocking him off balance for a second. He whipped around as I lunged at him again. He dodged me and grabbed my throat.

He knocked my sword out of my hand, sending it clattering to the floor. I clawed at his hand, gasping for air.

"Misaki!" Rin cried out.

"Be a good girl and stay here while I kill the Shinigami. I will end their family line right now. I will make sure that another Shinigami child will never be born again." my father said, a crazed look in his eyes.

He dropped me and turn towards Rin. My father knocked Rin's scythe away from him. We were stuck in a bad situation now. Rin had no way or energy to protect himself, Ratio couldn't help him because that would leave the class open to an attack, and I was gasping for air, unable to move.

Come on, move, come on. I had to protect Rin. Rin was special to me, I couldn't let him die. Move, Move, Move! Rin was about to be stabbed.

"Rin!" I screamed.

I felt cold steel run through me. I managed to move in front of Rin. I looked down at the sword sticking out of me, just above my naval. I was already bleeding profusely. My father looked at me in shock. He dropped his sword and backed away from me. I sank to my knees, holding a hand to my wound.

I already knew I was going to die, I had accepted that. But I fulfilled my wish to die honorably. I will die protecting someone I care about.

"No, my child. No. It's your fault, she protected you! I will be back to kill you unless she lives." my father said.

The flames died out and the man possessed collapsed, most likely dead. Rin rushed forward, holding me on the ground.

"Misaki, you'll be okay. I promise, you'll be okay. Ratio, help me! We've got to get her to a doctor or something." Rin said.

My flames suddenly died out, even though my sword was still drawn. Everyone remained frozen. They knew I was going to die too. Rin was the only one that refused to accept that I was dieing. I reached up and put a hand on Rin's cheek, smiling.

"No, I wont let you die. Please don't leave me." Rin said, hugging me tighter.

"Rin, please don't. I will die the way I wanted to. Just don't forget me. And please live, for me. Don't let my death go to waste."

Rin's teardrops hit my face. I looked into his eyes. They were filled with more pain than I could even express.

"You are my sunshine...."

Rin was singing. In English, for me. I remembered something Rin told me.


"Why do you almost never say goodbye?" I had asked.


"My only sunshine...."


"Because goodbye means the end. I only say it in formal situations."


"You make me happy, when skies are grey....."


"I will only say goodbye to someone who is dieing."


"Please don't take my sunshine away...."



A / N - Sobfest. Please don't murder me! Anyway, please don't stop reading, there are more chapters coming. I repeat, THIS IS NOT THE END. But what will happen next? One more thing, Marshall, if you say anything bad about my story I will murder you! O-O Figuratively, of course. Heh heh. Actually, no I mean it. Well, enjoy your mental breakdowns.

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