Chapter 18- I Love You Too

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"Yeah, I'm alive. Being dead is weird." I said.

I heard people running down the hall. Suddenly Rin and Ratio burst through the door, Katsu trailing behind them. Rin rushed forward and hugged me.

"Ow, crushing me. I'm alive not indestructible. I am immortal thought." I said.

Rin pulled back, his face full of shock.

"How about I tell you the story of what happened after I died." I said. "I woke up in the upper world. It's so freaking bright and white. This woman called out to me. She said that I had died but not completely. My demon was being repelled. She said that my soul couldn't rest because I would be repelled by either world except this one. I basically can live forever. I can die but after my body heals, I'll be good as new. Rin, Ratio, I have to tell you to something, I promised her. The woman I saw, it was your mother. She says she loves and misses you both."

"Our...mother." Ratio repeated quietly.

"Are you certain?" Rin asked.

"Yes, I'm certain. I was able to see some of what was going on around my body. At least yesterday is all over."

Everyone looked at each other.

"Misaki, you've been asleep for six days." Rin said carefully.

"Really? It felt like maybe 30 minutes." I said. "Oh, I heard you guys talking around me. Ratio, I didn't know you could feel like that. Harumi, thank you. Reika, remind me to kick your ass. You too, Kazuma."

All four I mentioned started blushing. I took Rin's hand and smiled.

"Rin, I love you too."

Rin's face flushed bright red and smiled sheepishly.

"Eh? You heard that?" he asked.

I heard a small squeak. I looked at Reika, who looked like she was about to explode.

"Go ahead."

She screamed with excitement. She ran towards me and hugged me.

"Ow, once again crushing me." I said.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so excited. Finally you two said it. I've been waiting weeks for you two. I was about to start interfering." she said.

"You seemed to be doing fine yourself. If you know what I mean. And Haruki was right, I do have to kick your ass." I said.

"No!" she said.

She hid behind Izumi.

"Hey, don't use me as a shield, I don't want to be in her way. Sorry Misaki, but you can be scary when you're angry." Izumi said.

"Don't worry Izumi, I'll make sure to just get Reika. This time." I said.

"Same old Misaki." Haruki joked.

"I just want to go back to the dorm and have things go back to semi normal." I said.

I looked at what I was wearing. A white shirt and jeans, just like in the upper world. I slowly lifted my shirt a little to look at my stomach. A big scar where the sword had stabbed me stood out, pale against my tanner skin.

"Huh, that wasn't there in the upper world." I thought out loud.

I shrugged and pulled my shirt back down. I swung my legs around and put my feet on the floor. Everyone lurched forward as if to stop me but I was steady on my feet. I stopped and looked down at my tail.

"I guess I don't have to hide that anymore." I said.

"Is it weird having a tail?" Harumi asked.

"At first, but I got used to it after awhile." I answered.

I was surprised they didn't overreact, but I guess they had a week to get used to it. Either that or they were trying to stay calm for me. I grabbed my sword that sat next to my bed.

"Rin, let's go home." I said.


After going through extensive paperwork to get me out of the hospital, Rin took us back to the dorm.

"Rin, can I call my mom? It's been awhile since I last talked to her and she needs to know I'm okay." I asked.

"Sure but we didn't tell her you died yet." Rin said, handing me his phone.

I nodded and dialed my mom's number. Almost immediately she picked up, her voice paniced.

"Rin? Hello? Is Misaki alright?" she asked frantically.

"Mom, calm down, it's me."

"Misaki, is something wrong?"

"Mom, I met my father. Why did you never tell me about any of this?"

"I wanted to protect you. I hoped thay if I kept you away from all of that, you could live a normal life. But by the time anything came around, you were already leaving with Rin. I'm sorry I never told you. So, how's my old teacher treating you?"

"Uh...good, he's a great teacher."

"I know that tone. That's the tone you get when you have a crush on a boy. Who is it?"

I tried to figure out how to answer but Rin took the phone out of my hand.

"Hana, long time no talk." he said.

My mom's real name was Hana? I jumped when I suddenly heard yelling. Rin held the phone away from his ear as my mom yelled at him.

"Yeah." he replied.

More yelling.

"No, no I haven't."

More yelling.

"Yeah, I know. I miss you too. I'll talk to you later."

He hung up and turned to me.

"Man, after all these years, Hana still yells at me." Rin said.

"Why was she yelling at you?" I asked.

"She asked me if I was the one you had the 'tone' about and I said yeah. Then she asked me if I had talked to you about it and I said no. Then she yelled at me, saying if I did anything stupid she'd hurt me." he said, smiling.

I sighed and returned the smile. My smile turned into a smirk.

"She wouldn't have to worry about that, I'd get you first." I growled playfully.

Rin's face visibly paled.

"I told you she's scary!" Izumi yelled from across the room.

"You wanna repeat that?" I asked, turning on him.

He yelped as I chased after him.


A / N - Yay. This is mostly a filler chapter, again. However, things are going to get better! So, how would you huys feel like me adding character profiles? I'll add the basic stuff but if you guys request stuff, I'll add it. Background stuff can also be added if requested. Welp, that's it so.....Bye!

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