Chapter 10- The Truth Of The Blade

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I followed them into the empty room we use earlier.

"Why are here?" I asked.

"I promised to explain what happened. Ratio and I discussed it, and we think we found a less lethal way. I know I told you never to draw that sword but that's the best way to do this. You're going to be sealed in a barrier and you'll draw the sword. The main thing is to maintain control." Rin said.

Rokura had hitched a ride on my shoulder and now spoke up.

"Why does she have to be sealed?" he asked.

"Because, it would be dangerous not to." Ratio said.

Rin had me stand in the middle of the room, as he and Ratio created four seals on the ground around me. Rokura hopped off my shoulder and onto Rin's. As they finished the seals, a bright orange colored light formed a box around me.

I pulled the sword out of it's cover and looked at it for the first time. It's sheath was purple and etched with silver vines. The hilt of the blade was wrapped in black silk. The sheath had a strap of black silk tied to either end.

"Draw the blade and look at it closely."

I looked up at Rin and he nodded. I carefully drew the blade. The second the hand guard separated from the sheath, it erupted into purple flames. As did my body. My hand was shaking as I looked at the blade.

"Let this blade taste the blood of demons" was etched into the blade.

"It's kinda ironic. A demon slaying blade holding the powers of the child of Satan."

I was the child of a demon. Not only that, a demon princess.

I felt the stange stirring inside. I held on tight to my sword. I lunged at Rin but the seals stopped me.

"Do not fail me" echoed through me head.

That was Satan, and he was telling me to kill Rin. I may not have understood but my demon did. I lunged again. I saw the sadness in Rin's eyes, as I slashed at the seals. Rin. I was not going to give in like this. This was my body and I am the only one allowed to control it. I gained control and sheathed my sword. The flames disappeared and so did the seals. Rin smiled and walked towards me.

"I knew you could do it" he said. He grabbed me and pulled me into his chest. He held me tight. "I was so worried." I could hear his voice shaking.


He pulled back, his face a little red.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that." he said.

I just smiled at his embarrassment. Ratio laughed and pointed behind me. I looked back and saw Rokura trying to catch something.

"I think we found some side effects of releasing a demon." Ratio said.

"It's a tail. Wait, it's my tail! I have a tail!"

I forced it to move, trying to see if I could control it. Rokura chased after it and managed to bite the small tuff on the end.

"Ouch! Rokura, it's not nice to bite people's tails. Who you like it if someone bit your tail?" I asked.

Rokura looked down and shook his head. I picked him up and hugged him.

"You're like me now!" he meowed.

"Your canines are bigger and your ears are slightly pointed now. You must still be careful not to let the demon take over. But other than that, everything will be fine. But you've got to find a way to hide that tail." Rin said.

I wrapped my tail around my upper thigh, under my skirt.


I slipped my sword back into it's cover and put it on my shoulder. We returned to the dorm without anyone noticing. When I entered my dorm, Harumi was sitting at her desk, writing in a note book.

"I'm back." I said.

She slammed the notebook closed and turned to look at me.

"Should I ask where you've been?" she asked.

"Nope." I said, going to my wardrobe.

I changed into pajamas while Harumi wasn't looking and put my sword in the wardrobe.

"You're looking at your sword funny." Harumi said.

"Am I? I didn't notice." I said quietly.

"I just noticed, I've never seen you use that sword. Is it special or something like a ceremonial sword?" she asked. I layed down on my bed, Rokura curled up next to me.

"Special, but it's dangerous so it has to be kept sheathed. Otherwise people could get hurt." I said.

"Why is is so dangerous?" Harumi asked.

I stared at the ceiling, staying quiet.

"What happened when you left? You're quieter and almost sad." Harumi questioned.

"A lot is going on in my head and I'm tired, I did a little training. I'll be fine in the morning."


I jerked awake, moonlight streaming in though my open window. Did Harumi open it? I heard a small sound near my closet. I saw the figure of a small girl with my demon sword in hand.


I kicked the wall next to my bed and immediately heard movement on the other side. I tried to stop the girl but it slipped past me. The girl stopped, sitting on the windowsill. It was a little girl, maybe eleven or twelve years old. Her gold hair caught the wind as she stared at me with golden eyes.

"I'm returning this to it's owner." she said.

The girl fell backwards out of the window. I rushed to the window but the girl was nowhere to be seen. The door opened, waking Harumi.

"What happened?" Rin demanded.

"What's going on?" Harumi asked, sleepily.

"Rin, it's gone. The sword, it's gone. Someone stole it!" I paniced.

Rin's eyes widen in shock. Rin grabbed my hand and dragged me out into the hall.

"What's going on?" Harumi yelled after us.

People started waking up and sticking their heads out their doors. Rin dragged me down the hall, up the stairs and to a dorm room. He hurried in and shook Ratio awake.

"What!?" he asked.

"Ratio, the sword, someone stole it."


A / N - I know, I know, please don't kill me. I know this was supposed to be posted Saturday and it's Wednesday. I specifically told myself to post this Saturday but I forgot. I didn't post this earlier because my tablet had to update and once it had, I was out of wifi range. AND THEN I FORGOT! But whatever, at least I'm posting it. Enjoy! Shout to the friend that's finally reading this.

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