Chapter 35- Epilogue

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A/N- Have some major feels!

I looked over my shoulder at the clock.

"If he doesn't get here soon, we're going to have some problems." I said to myself.

"Who, me?" A man asked, sitting in a chair that was empty a second ago.

"No, but that would have been a problem too. It really never ceases to amaze me how old you look."

"Onee-chan, I'm not that old looking. I look about twenty,  I'm not a kitten anymore." Rokura frowned.

"Of course not, you're my ambassador after all. So, how's Inari and the baby?" I asked.

"Their just fine. Though Inari wants to get back to work quickly but she just had the baby. She won't listen to me either. It's amazing how I'm more mature than she is, and she's way older than me."

"What can you expect from Inari?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. So, how are-"

"AHHH! Mommy!"

"What is it Sakura?" I asked.

A little girl came running into the kitchen and hugged my legs.

"Mommy, Onii-chan stole my dragon!" She cried.

"Sakura, it's okay." I said, stroking her black hair. "Rin Hajime Shinigami! You come here right now mister."

"You're suck a tattle tale, Sakura." A young boy, a little older than the girl, pouted.

"Why did you take Sakura's dragon?" I asked him.

"Because I need to practice! If I don't start now I'll never live up to the family name! I want to be as good as all of the Rin's before me!"

"You have many, many years to practice. Give your sister back her dragon."


"If you want to train that bad, I could take you to work with me tomorrow."

"Daddy's home!" Both children suddenly screamed.

They ran towards Rin, who was just coming into the room. Rin smiled and hugged them. Then he came and hugged me.

"You're almost late."

"I know, I know. Ratio had me doing paperwork and then I had to get the flowers. But I'm here now."

"Good, we have to go. Rokura, thank you so much for watching my babies. You two, be good." I said.

"Yes, mommy!" Sakura said.

"Will you tell us the story of how you and mommy met and the great demon battle when you get home?" Rin asked Rin.

Hehe, that never gets old.

"Sure. But we have to go, or mommy will get mad at me." Rin said.

"Yes, let's go!" I said, grabbing his arm.


We walked through the headstones, heading for a very special one. I sat down in front of it and layed the flowers on the ground.

"Hey Hajime. I can't believe it's already been nine years since the battle. I just turned twenty five, and I think I'm going to stay this way. The kids have been good. It's funny, ever since I told Sakura about you and showed her the tattoo you gave me, she never lets go of this stuffed dragon she demanded I buy her. Rin says she's just like me. My son is just like his father in more than one way. They look almost exactly alike and act so similar. Gosh, I'm boring you, aren't I? I tell you the same thing every year but you don't mind do you? Izumi and Reika are doing great. Just last month, Reika found out she was pregnant, and Izumi's overjoyed. Katsu and Kazuma are still engaged, but Katsu says that they might be starting plans for a wedding soon. Haruki is doing great with that girl that was in the year after us. And Dylan and Harumi! I was so surprised when I found out, but I'm really happy for them. Sanjirou is doing good too, he's really helping me out in my role as queen. Rokura and Inari are doing amazing too. Inari just had her baby! Everyone is so in love. Did you ever find your Ayu again? Anyway, since the battle and I became queen, the demon world has been doing so much better. It's no longer in anarchy but like a little country. Demons are starting to go to the upper world, and blending in with humans. It's amazing what your sacrifice gave us."

"I can now say your last request is complete Hajime." Rin said.

"Really? That means you can tell me now, right?"

"Yeah, I can. Before Hajime died, he asked me to give you a normal life. Give you everything you wanted before you froze in time. Even while he was dieing, all he cared about was you."



Rin pointed to a large crowd of people just outside the small fence, watching us. We had become famous for making it snow in the middle of summer it our town. The crowd grew larger every year as the story of the snow in summer spread through the world. I waved to the crowd and they cheered. I looked up at the sky.

"Ready to make it snow Hajime?" I asked.

As if in response to my question, a single snowflakelanded on my nose.

A/N- So, here we are. This is it, the end of the story. I'll certainly keep writing, but I don't know when I'll start posting again. It probably won't be until the new year (minus the Christmas present and requests). I'm taking a little break from writing for a little bit, I started reading Fairy Tail and I want to focus on that until I'm caught up. I'm not saying I won't be writing at all (that's impossible for me), but I'll be focusing on that the most. So, did any of you get hit with the feels? Well, that's all I really have to say. Send in your questions and requests. Btw, your questions can be about anything or to anyone. You can ask me anything or even your favorite character. Make sure to send them in a message and NOT MY WALL! Bye Bye. (Anyone who can tell me what anime this is from and who said it, you get a cookie and their first request/question gets top priority. You can post this in the comments and hint hint: the anime has bad bunny drawings. ;) )

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