Chapter 19- I Won't Let You Slip Away

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~Rin's POV~

I watched Misaki chase after Izumi. Ratio walked towards me and stopped, also watching Misaki.

"Ahh! Stay away from me! Ahhh! Someone help me, she's trying to bite me!" Izumi paniced.

"You're worried they're going to take notice of her aren't you?" Ratio asked.

"OH MY GOD! She bit me! Ow, get your fangs out of my shoulder!" Izumi screamed after Misaki pounced on him.

"Of course, I expect a summons for a trial soon." I answered him.

"They're not fangs! They're just slightly pointy." Misaki whined.

"And I think they've already made their decision." I continued.

"They're fangs! They're fangs! I'm bleeding, goddammit!"

"Now you've got to make them see she's on our side. The hardest part will be making sure she doesn't screw up your argument. If she opens that mouth of her's, she may only anger them." Ratio said.

"Opps, I may have bitten you too hard." Misaki said.

"That's true but her heart's in the right place." I said.


"Ugh, I'm infected!" Izumi moaned as I cleaned his wound.

Misaki, who was sitting on the table next to us, scoffed.

"It doesn't work that way, stupid." she said. "You can't get infected, I'm not a vampire. It would be different if I had an open wound. Your pure human blood would reject mine but because my blood would have already mixed with yours, your body would reject it's own blood. Then you'd die."

Izumi paled as a look of horror spread across his face. Misaki looked bored that her little game of chased ended. She pouted when I looked at her because I was the one to make her stop. She looked extremely cute the way she pouted like that. I tended to Izumi's wound quickly, trying to get rid of him.

"There. Don't let Misaki get into your head." I said.

"It's the truth though." Misaki said.

"Stop scaring the kid. You, come with me." I said, taking her arm.

I pulled her off the table and dragged her down the hall.

"Where are we going?" Misaki asked.

"The roof. Where else?"


I dragged her onto the roof. Misaki looked at me, confused. I pulled her into a hug.

"Rin, what's wrong?" she asked.

"The Vatican has most likely taken noticed of you." I answered. "They'll hold a trial. The most they could do is lock you up for some observation. But I don't want them to do that."

"So, I could be taken away? Locked up in a cell?"


"Do your best to make sure that doesn't happen, please."

"Of course."

I looked down at her. She had a determined look in her eyes. I was not going to let them take her away from me. I'm not going to lose her again. Never again.

I leaned closer to her. Her face flushed bright red but didn't pull away. She was so close. He eyes were so beautiful and bright. How could one girl be so beautiful? I've spent hundreds of years in this world and have never met anyone like her.

I leaned closer, our lips meeting. So soft. She pressed herself against me, deepening our kiss. She sighed softly. I took her face in my hands, pulling her as close as I could. I was running out of breath but I couldn't stop myself.

Then my phone buzzed. I pulled away, growling. Though it was probably for the best. Misaki leaned against me, breathing hard. My own heart was racing too. I kissed the top of her head and pulled out my phone.

My heart sank as I read the message.

'By the order of Brightcross, Misaki Tsuri, the child of Satan, is being summoned for a trial. Paladin Ratio and Rin Shinigami are required to attend.'

I sighed. I looked down at Misaki. This could very well be the last time I see her for a long time. I gave her a quick kiss and took her hand. I took her back down stairs. Ratio was waiting, a few men from Brightcross behind him.

I nodded calmly. It would be alright. I just had to prove she was good, and with all the good things she's done it should be easy. I looked at Misaki and she looked back at me. I smiled gently, trying to reassure her. One of the men took Misaki's hands and shackled them behind her.

They lead her into a door portal that went straight to the Vatican. Ratio and I looked at each other then followed them in. The students of my class watched without a sound. I hope I can do this. I can't let her down, the class down, or my mother down. I prayed that I could do this without a problem.


A / N - I'm so sorry! I swore I wouldn't forget and I did! I slept in late (because high school sucks), they I went to play a video game a friend of mine let me barrow (and it's so freaking awesome!), and then I started tubmlr scrolling. Well, it's posted now and that's all that matters. I want food though. But never mind that. So, enjoy and btw, new character coming up that (even if you don't realize it) you really want to meet. Nya~!

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