Chapter 26- How Am I Going To Explain This?

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(A/N- Anything in italics is english, normal is japanese. I know it's confusing but that's something I have to deal with. Imagine typing it.)

"Emma!" Dylan called out.

He came running towards me and threw his arms around me. He had a big goofy smile on his face. It reminded me of how I used to be.

"Emma, it's been so long! What happened to you? You disappeared and your mom is no help on information." he asked, excited.

I didn't know how to answer. Should I tell him? What if he freaks out and calls me crazy? I noticed Dylan's eyes drift to the others.

"Who are they?" He questioned.

"Misaki, what's he saying?" Reika asked.

"He's asking who you are." I answered.

"You speak another language now too!?" Dylan exclaimed.

Kazuma smacked Reika on the back of the head.

"You can speak English! Stop playing dumb! We've been learning since elementary school, it's a requirement." He scolded her.

(Yay! No more italics! They switched to English from here.)

"I'm Kazuma, that's Reika, Izumi, Haruki, Harumi, and Katsu." Kazuma said, switching to English.

"I'm Rin, that's my brother Ratio and that's Hajime."

"You look familiar, but whatever, deja vu. And umm, Ratio, are you good at math?" Dylan asked.

Oh god Dylan, no! Ratio looked confused but nodded. Dylan started laughing. I sighed at his stupidity.

"Oh, Emma, I remember before you left that day, there was something I wanted to tell you." Dylan said.

"What is it?" I asked.

Rin moved behind me and put his arms around my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder, looking at Dylan, waiting. I knew what he was trying to do. I told him a long time ago, Dylan is like my brother and nothing more. But, still, Rin wanted to get his point across, I was his. Dylan and Rin stared at each other for moment. I could almost feel the tension in the air.

"Never mind, it's not important. But you have to explain everything." He said.

I looked up at Rin and he nodded slightly. I guess I should tell him everything. I pulled away from Rin and took Dylan's hand and sat down on the steps.

"I'll start with the day I left. I'm not sure if you remember this but you asked me to follow you to the back of the school. You got possessed by a demon. You attacked me and if Rin didn't show up, I don't know what would have happened. He took me to Japan to train and learn how to be a shinigami. We fight demons and protect humans and sometimes demons. I later found out I'm half demon but like the demon princess. Anyway, since then, I've had an incident with Rin's familiar Inari and another with my way older brother. And now we're here to help, because apparently some invasion is happening soon. That's the short version, believe it or not." I said very quickly.


"Oh, you met Inari? Wait, did you say brother!?" My mom exclaimed.

"Opps, I forgot to tell you didn't I? My bad." I said.


"It's not my fault! No! Don't hit me Hana! I am almost a thousand years older than you! Misaki, help me!" Rin freaked as my mom started going after him.

He ran towards me and latched on. He held on tightly to me. My mom stopped and looked at me, waiting for me to make a decision. I could either surrender Rin to my mom or protect him. I held on to him, I did want my....boyfriend to be injured. It still felt weird to say boyfriend. My mom smiled and walked away. Rin looked up at me and smiled, a happy Rin is a good Rin. Hajime cleared his throat behind me.

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