Chapter no.10 - Happy Endings

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The scent of strong coffee filled the small car Alice drove Betty and I to school in. Alice quietly sipped her black coffee as her piercing green eyes looked around the school we were pulling into, she always looked like she was looking out for something.

"C'mon," Betty chirped and pulled me out of the car.

The weather was getting colder with every passing day. I shivered, even having three layers of long sleeves wasn't enough. Thankfully, the school was warm. Betty and I walked down the halls to our lockers, dreading first period. Once all of our books were collected, we walked back over to each other and huffed before we entered the classroom.

As Mr. Beal droned on about whatever it was he was talking about, I got lost in my thoughts. Should I try to talk to Toni today? What should I do about Cheryl? Is she still getting those threats? I haven't talked to Veronica in a whole day, is she mad at me? The sound of the door swinging open broke through my thoughts. Cheryl stood in the door frame, tall and proud. She trotted over to her seat, which was behind me. The sizzling teen didn't even bother to say 'sorry I'm late' to the inpatient teacher. I looked back down at my notebook with a half smile and let my chin rest on my forearm. A short while after, I felt a light, but frantic tapping on my shoulder blade.
I turned around to see Cheryl's face leaning close to me, a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Hey!" She whispered, her eyes were swarming with excitement.

"What's up?" I laughed into a whisper.

"I got Kevin to let me drop the play!" She answered as she tried to keep her voice lower than a hush.

"Cheryl, that's great!" I gasped and covered my mouth.

"I know," she winked, "I'll have to tell you more about it later!".

With that, she turned back to her work and I did the same. I was so happy for Cheryl.

The halls were crawling with teens after the first bell, I just tried to stay alive as I tried to maneuver through the crowds. I found Betty, Veronica, and Archie by my locker.

"Hey," I sheepishly said to the group.

"How would you like to come a party tonight?" Veronica asked with a smirk.

"A party? For what?" I asked, extremely confused.

"For the play, it's going to be this week. So, we decided to throw a party, marking the end of the play," Archie replied and smiled brightly at me. I looked over at Betty who had her hands cupped together, smiling at me.

"I'm guessing you won't take no for an answer," I state and playfully roll my eyes.

The small group crowding my locker cheers and Betty promises me she'll give me all the details later. They all walk off, leaving me there to contemplate if that was a good idea. I mean, I've never been to a party. I shrug it off and head to my next class.

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