Chapter no.19 - Campaign Pain

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As I had expected, the week of school after the Black Hood reveal was filled with sympathetic looks and tired faces. But, in a week the melancholy feeling had passed and all the students were consumed with the upcoming student council election. The halls were filled with a plethora of posters and banners. Kids whispered to each other in hushed voices about who they thought would win. The tension between the candidates increased with every passing day. Candidates would come and go, but the three main runners stayed strong: Veronica and Archie, Betty and Jughead, and Josie and Reggie. The whole school seemed to be split as the campaign got more heated. If you supported one candidate, you only hung out with the group of people who supported that candidate. Everyone was fiercely defensive of their side and would argue anyone who claimed their side was a better fit for the student body president. Each side seemed to have one main idea that they promoted and anyone who was in favor of that idea would flock to support them. Archie and Veronica were avidly active in ensuring that the students for Southside High would be able to stay at Riverdale High, despite Mr. Weatherbee's plans to kick them out. For their stance on the state of the Southside kids, Archie and Veronica had most of the Serpents voting for them. As for me, I was undecided. It was hard to chose between Archie and Veronica, and Betty and Jughead. They were both my friends and I knew saying I wasn't going to chose sides would result in more aggravation. As the days flew by and the election grew closer, The two teams of my friends became more hostile toward each other and became closer to enemies than friends. With my friend group split and everyone taking sides, I felt lost.

     It was Monday, the week of the election, and school was more divided than ever. As I walked through the door that morning, the halls were teeming with bodies discussing a certain event happening tonight. Bothered by the curiosity, I stopped Kevin, who was walking by.

     "What is everyone talking about?" I asked while looking around.

     His eyes went wide and he leaned in. "You don't know?"

     I just stared back and carefully shook my head.

    "The debate is tonight. All three sides going head to head, answering every question and discussing their action plan if elected. It's going to be intense!" Kevin explained dramatically.

    I laughed softly at how passionate he was.

   "Who's side are you on?" He whispered as if were talking about something top secret.

    I mentally rolled my eyes. To be fair, I didn't care who won. I wanted this week to be over so I could hopefully have my friends back and talking to each other. The only interaction they had with each other anymore were the sarcastic fleeting glances they would shoot each other when they passed in the halls.

    "Um, I don't have a side," I answered, my voice shaky.

    "What?! Are you kidding? The election is a week away and you're undecided!" Kevin exclaimed.

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