Draco's apples

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Draco didn't feel like going to see his parents for Christmas this year, so my parents invited him to come stay with us.

"For the love of Merlin, Draco would you hurry up" I say

"Sorry love" Draco says jogging up beside me taking my hand

This is Draco's first time in the muggle world. I'm a Half-Blood so I was raised in the muggle world. Draco always seems to question me about the muggle world, so seeing as I needed to go shopping, I figured i'd take him with me. Once we get outside of the store, I pull Draco aside.

"Remember Draco, you can't mention anything about magic or muggles here" I say

"Don't worry love i won't" He says I nod then we walk into the store. I grab a cart and begin walking Draco trailing behind me.

"Whats this" Draco asks

"That's Popcorn Draco" i say

"What does it do?" he asks

"You eat it Draco" I say

"Can We get some" he asks

"we have some at home love, i'll make you some tonight" i say, he nods and puts it back 

 After getting all the non perishable food, we go to the fruits and vegetables. As I'm looking for bananas I here Draco gasp then he wonders off. I turn to find him hovering over the apple crate. so I walk over to him.

"They're so green" he gasps  

"They're Granny Smith apples Draco, they're supposed to be green" I say 

"I want Twenty" Draco says. I sigh

"you can't just buy twenty Granny smith apples Draco" I say

"What? Why not?" Draco says I sigh again

"Because it's frowned upon in the muggle world to buy twenty Granny smith apples" He looks Distressed by this so i say "Get five but that's it" his face lights up like a little kid when there mom says they can get a toy at a toy store.

"They 're so beautiful" I hear him mumble

"I hope I'm not being replaced by some apples" i say jokingly and he laughs awkwardly then shuffles away from me slightly. I gasp and hit his arm playfully and he smiles before pulling me into a side hug and laughing with me.

"No apple could ever replace you" He says then kisses my forehead. I grab the greenest one and hold it up to him

"Not even this one" i say sarcastically and he looks as if he is pondering my question, before his lips twitch into a smile again and i shake my head at him.

"come on lets get this shopping done" i laugh and he drapes his arm over my shoulder as we walk through the rest of the store,Draco beaming like a child, holding his apples with pride.

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