Christmas Traditions

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5th year

Draco has never experienced a muggle christmas. Which is why he came to my house this year.

Being a half-blood, we always did christmas the muggle way. Decorating the tree. Cabbage Rolls on Christmas Eve for supper, baking cookies for Santa. And finally topping it off with opening one present that night, which is usually pajamas then watching the movie A Christmas Story. Then the kids go to bed.

I have younger brothers who are twins, so my parents still do the Santa thing.

"Draco, are you ready to decorate the tree?" I ask.

"Of course love" Draco says.

In the living room, Draco and my dad set up the tree. My parents accepted Draco in 3rd year when we started dating, so it's not awkward.

Once the tree is up, my mom and I put up lights and tinsel. While my brothers throw an ordament back and forth.

"So why can't we use our wands for this?" Draco whispers.

"Because Draco, 1. My brothers don't know about magic yet. And 2. It's something we do as a family. It doesn't matter how long it takes" I say.

Once the tree is up and decorated, my parents bring down pre-wrapped presents, and they even have a few for Draco.

"Kids come on, it's time to decorate cookies" Mom says from the kitchen. My brothers bolt to the kitchen. Draco looks at me.

"that means you guys too" Dad says. Draco and I make our way to the kitchen.  Mom hands Draco and I each a plate of three cookies to decorate. Then goes to help my dad wrap more presents upstairs that they will set out after us kids go to bed.

"See Draco, this is fun right?" I ask.

"Yeah it is love. Here, I feel like I'm part of a family that loves eachother" Draco says. I peck Draco on the lips.

"Draco, there's something on your face" I say.

"What?" He asks

"This!" I say and put a dot of red icing on his nose.

"Oh two can play that game" he says putting blue icing on my cheek. Me and Draco end up getting into an icing fight. That is till my mom walks in the kitchen.

"Jade and Draco!" Mom says. Draco and I freeze. "Go wash up, and then clean this up." Draco and I hang our heads.

"Yes Mom" we say. Draco has been calling my mom 'mom' basically since the first day they met. My mom's rule, call her by her first name or call her mom, ther is no Mrs. for her.

Time skip

We just finished eating cabbage rolls. And Draco loved them. Mom is giving us all our Christmas eve gifts. Draco was surprised when she handed him one.

 Draco was surprised when she handed him one

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"Oh my gosh mom" I say when I read my shirt. Then Draco shows me his and I laugh.

"Well go on you guys, go upstairs and change and the will watch the movie." Mom says. The twins shoot of the couch and upstairs, practically fighting eachother to get up the stairs. Draco gets up and then helps me up. Then we make our way upstairs. I change in my room and Draco is in the bathroom. When he comes out. He looks kind of upset.

"I look like an idiot" he says looking down.

"You look fine Draco, this is a Christmas tradition, no one is going to laugh at you" I say.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He asks smiling down at me.

"I love you Draco Malfoy" I say "with all my heart and soul"

"I love you too Jade Clearwater" he says "with all my heart and soul" and with that, Draco connects his lips to mine.

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you liked this imagine. I knew I had to do a Christmas imagine with Draco experiencing what a real christmas is like.  So I hope you liked it

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