Questions for you guys!

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Hai wattpad people. Next chapter will be out soon but... I have some questions for you guys!

Question 1:
What would you guys want me to add to this book?

Question 2:
Is this book boring at some points?

Question 3:
When I finish this book should I make a part two?

Question 4:
Do the chapters take too long?
(I think the answer is yes XD)

Question 5:
What other books should I make?

Question 6:
Should I make an Oc book? But like to introduce all the characters of all my books?
So you guys can get to know them better.(mostly the person who kidnaped Funneh.)

Question 7: (Not really a question)
Not really a question but, if you guys want me to make other books I have a Request book. So, yeet.

Question 8: (Its more like help me)
Can you suggest any books? I finished all of the ones I've read ;-; or if I haven't they haven't updated ;-; help. I needz a book to knowledge.


That's all for the questions and thanks for reading this book! So, I have some suggestions for you guys! (Authors/People From wattpad)
(Not organized by preference, I love them all the same)


I've read all of there books so yeah •-•

(Please don't make fun of or leave hateful comments on anyone's book or anyone's comment. You wouldn't like it if it was done to you, and if you don't care... your preventing imagination and so many good ideas come out. So please if you don't like something of  somebody else then please don't comment. Things such as critique for the better doesn't mean being hateful. So just watch what you say to others, words hurt as much as punches.)

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